I want to make parameterized requests from the Apollo client to the Apollo server.
On client:
const GET_VALUES = gql`
query Values($desc: String!) {
function ValueSelector({ pickValue, dirDesc }) {
app from the original "grand-stack-starter" repository (api) is written in the console
"GraphQL server ready at http://localhost:4001/graphql",
but the browser returns
CALL graphql.idl('
type Movie {
custom description of field
title: String!
In Apollo triple quotes work,
Via "CALL graphql.idl" and POST to the 'http://localhost:7474/graphql/idl/` - no
the instance up and running: i can put a release from the graphql repo in its plugins folder, and then these procedures will even appear in the list of available ones. but when i try to call them, the answer will be:
Failed to invoke procedure graph...