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Graph Buddy
since ‎02-14-2020

User Statistics

  • 54 Posts
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  • 10 Kudos given
  • 4 Kudos received

User Activity

I wonder if I can use GDS library to find similar clients; clients who have bought similar products. Perfect if I could find similarity where base is similar variety of products AND not only product types but also quantity of these products. My sampl...
I have csv file: customer_no | product_no | purchase_date I'd like to create nodes "client", nodes "product" and create relationships "bought" between them. I start with: LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///test.txt' AS row FIELDTERMINATOR '|' WITH r...
I'd like to rename default "neo4j" database in Neo4j? I tried to change name using config: dbms.default_database=new_db_name Works, new DB is created but "show databses" still display the old one as offline. How to remove it from offlines? Regards
I'd like to connect to MySQL using jdbc driver. Just like in this example: Load JDBC (RDBMS) - APOC Documentation I move apoc apoc- file to 'plugins'I put jdbc connector GitHub - neo4j-contrib/neo4j-jdbc: Neo4j JDBC driver for Neo4j 3...
Hi, I was searching for this but cannot find; is there any function among APOC functions to calculate trend (series of numbers)? Just one value (to know it goes up, down or not moving) not any 'regression line' or else. Would be nice to have such fun...