Hi, I have set up a 3 node neo4j casual cluster and trying load almost 1 million records from my Mongo database to Neo4j cluster nodes. I'm loading 10K records at a time using a bolt driver within an API. API runs for a bit then throws the below err...
Hello, Friends!
I am trying to load some data and create a relationship using a golang-neo4j driver. This query (within golang program) runs forever whereas when I tried using apoc.periodic.iterate it completes within a couple of seconds.
return fun...
I have a 3 node (CORE - each 4/16 CPU and memory respectively) causal cluster. I have been getting these errors in the application log where I am using golang-neo4j driver to load some static data from a source and create relationships.
I'm trying to unmarshal the result (res) but it's throwing me an error. Anyone know a way to do this properly?
res, err := tx.Run("MATCH result=(p:Products) <-[r1:PRODUCES]- (i:Inventory) -[r2:OWNED_BY]->() return result",
I have a special requirement where I need to set up a single relationship out of three different node labels using 2 properties. I can achieve this requirement by running 3 different queries like below but I am failing when I try to achieve the s...
Hi Eric,
I have set up my own 3 node casual cluster and running the queries in my golang api to source the data.
Sorry... I'm pretty new to Neo4j. Did this answer your question?
That is very odd. There might be something off with your i.p1 data or index.
Sorry, my bad. There were some issues with i.p1. I fixed it this morning and it's not hanging anymore!!
Your understanding is right. I have many more ...
I'm still stuck with this. Could I get some help?
I came across this but just not sure if it's recommended for neo4j ?
general purpose extensions to golang's database/sql - jmoiron/sqlx
Ok .. that makes sense. Thanks!!
(My earlier statement was incorrect so deleted it)
result, err := tx.Run(`
UNWIND $events AS event
MERGE (a:Product {key: event.key})
SET a = event
WITH a MATCH (i:Inventory) WHERE i.p...