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Neo4j-OGM Releases

OGM v3.1.3 released

It's my pleasure to announce the release of Neo4j OGM v3.1.3.

This release fixes a lot of issues that have been open for quite some time. Especially modeling a domain on basis of abstract classes works now as described in the documentation. One doesn't have to annotate abstract base classes with @NodeEntity anymore. If the abstract base classes contributes to the index, its name will be used as one label.

Also @PostLoad has some noteworthy changes. A method annotated with @PostLoad doesn't have to be public anymore. Thus it helps keeping a domain closed and doesn't expose internal methods.

Apart from treating @PostLoad the same way as @PostConstruct is defined by JSR-250, @PostLoadmethods are now recognized in class hierarchies as well and can be overwritten.

For the full list of changes, see the release on GitHub:

OGM v3.1.3 will be included in the upcoming release of Spring Data Neo4j Lovelace (5.1) and also with Spring Boot 2.1.


Neo4j-OGM for Quarkus has been released:

Neo4j-OGM 3.2.31 released, several important performance improvements

Neo4j-OGM Quarkus Extension 1.0.1, mostly dependency updates, including the above

Neo4j-OGM 3.2.32 released. More performance improvements and small bugfix:

Neo4j-OGM-Quarkus 1.2.0 is out and has been relocated from eu.michael-simons.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-quarkus to org.neo4j:neo4j-ogm-quarkus with proper Maven relocations in place. Functionality is the same and things are a drop in replacement.

Those are the latest dependencies

while the relocation has been done in a second release


Neo4j-OGM 3.2.33 has been releaseed Release v3.2.33 · neo4j/neo4j-ogm · GitHub

This will be picked up Neo4j-OGM-Quarkus on the next patch. You can always drop-in a later version, though.

Neo4j-OGM-Quarkus 1.2.2 has been released: Release 1.2.2 · neo4j/neo4j-ogm-quarkus · GitHub

Next will be 1.3.0, picking up Quarkus 2.9.

Double release of Neo4j-OGM in the past days.

Neo4j-OGM 3.1.6 that is part of the already released Spring Data Neo4j 5.1 (Lovelace) SR4.

and we are proud to announce the second alpha release of Neo4j-OGM 3.2.

Today we released a service release for the 3.0.x line as well:

That contains some back ports from 3.1.x.

v3.0.5 will be the OGM picked up by Spring Data Neo4j 5.0.11 (Kay SR11).

v3.1.4. will be the OGM picked up by Spring Data Neo4j 5.1.1 (Lovelace SR1).

It's my pleasure to announce the release of Neo4j OGM v3.1.4.

This release contains mainly bug fixes but notable the new SPI to intercept all Cypher statements before they are sent to the database.

We also are introducing a different way of converting parameters and using native types wherever possible. This is incubating and needs to be explicitly activated.

For the full list of changes, see the release on GitHub:

OGM v3.1.4 will be included in the first service release of Spring Data Neo4j Lovelace (5.1.1)