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Crash when apoc.import.file.enabled=true in Neo4j 5.x

Node Clone

Does anyone encounter crashes in Neo4j 5.x (1, 2, 3, 4) while defining at the configuration file the apoc.import.file.enabled=true? (Neo4j Desktop - APOC plugin installed successfully)

Of course in Neo4j 4.x everything works properly.

It's also worth to mention that there is no procedure runFile at the APOC Library when you call to show the APOC procedures in Neo4j Browser.




crashes?  when?  

and is apoc.import.file.enabled=true defined in conf/neo4j.conf or conf/apoc.conf?


Neo4j configuration file


Your comment of 

>>Neo4j configuration file


i presume this is to indicate conf/neo4j.conf?  correct?   

if you move it to conf/apoc.conf  ( and you may need to create said file ) does the 'crash' go away?


But 'crash' are there any more specifics?

And if it doesnt go away what apoc jar files is in plugins/


Powershell : Failed to read config C:\Users\damis\.Neo4jDesktop\relate-data\dbmss\dbms-44e71194-f228-413e-b0f1-c65caa35 b8b2\conf\neo4j.conf: Unrecognized setting. No declared setting with name: apoc.import.file.enabled. Cleanup the config or disable 'server.config.strict_validation.enabled' to continue.


Yes under the neo4j.conf as I was doing for the previous versions too. APOC is installed properly from the Neo4j Desktop GUI. I pasted the message I found @ neo4j-relate log file.


Per my last update

>>if you move it to conf/apoc.conf  ( and you may need to create said file ) does the 'crash' go away?

New Info: When I define the server.config.strict_validation.enabled=falsethe DB starts properly. However it seems that it doesn't recognize the apoc.import.file.enabled=true as i cannot run the function runFile. Also, when I check the list of procedures with SHOW PROCEDURES, I don't find anywhere the cypher.runFile.