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07-28-2021 06:48 AM
I am using neo4j-helm to run neo4j in stand alone mode and everything is working as expected. but to use triggers I need to change the $NEO4J_HOME/conf/neo4j.conf
I tried running
helm install mygraph https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-helm/releases/download/4.3.2-1/neo4j-4.3.2-1.tgz --set core.standalone=true --set acceptLicenseAgreement=yes --set neo4jPassword=mySecretPassword --set apoc.trigger.enabled=true -f values.yml
but it's not working.
01-04-2022 12:55 PM
Commenting on this old thread since I couldn't find much else about this issue. I had a similar problem with the official helm chart, not neo4j-helm. The documentation explains how to enable APOC but not how to configure it, e.g. to enable triggers.
But after trying many different approaches, I finally found the solution - in the config
section of values.yml
, putting
dbms.config.strict_validation: "false" # Required for APOC settings to pass validation
apoc.trigger.enabled: "true"
successfully enabled triggers for me.
08-16-2022 10:31 AM
It seems the apoc config moved to another location in the values.yaml
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