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01-28-2020 08:45 PM
I just downloaded the neo4j Desktop and was able to create a new graph instance and connect.
I'm a .NET developer and tried to download the sample Hello Word from 4.1. Get started - Chapter 4. Drivers.
However, below exceptions were thrown. Please help.
Message=Failed after retried for 5 times in 30000ms. Make sure that your database is online and retry again.
at Neo4j.Driver.Internal.ExponentialBackoffRetryLogic.Retry[T](Func1 runTxFunc) at Neo4j.Driver.Internal.Session.<>c__DisplayClass41_0
at Neo4j.Driver.Internal.Logging.DriverLoggerUtil.TryExecute[T](IDriverLogger logger, Func1 func, String message) at Neo4j.Driver.Internal.Session.RunTransaction[T](AccessMode mode, Func
2 work, TransactionConfig txConfig)
at Neo4j.Driver.Internal.Session.WriteTransaction[T](Func2 work, TransactionConfig txConfig) at Neo4j.Driver.Internal.Session.WriteTransaction[T](Func
2 work)
at HelloWorldExample.PrintGreeting(String message) in D:\AI\neo4j\TestNeo4j\ConsoleApp1\Program.cs:line 21
at HelloWorldExample.Main() in D:\AI\neo4j\TestNeo4j\ConsoleApp1\Program.cs:line 42
Inner Exception 1:
AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.
Inner Exception 2:
ServiceUnavailableException: Connection with the server breaks due to SecurityException: Failed to establish encrypted connection with server bolt://localhost:7687/.
Inner Exception 3:
SecurityException: Failed to establish encrypted connection with server bolt://localhost:7687/.
Inner Exception 4:
IOException: Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
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