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Unable to Complete Installation of Neo4j Desktop on Windows 10 Pro

I was using an older version of Neo4j Desktop (1.0.6 I think) but was having issues where it crashed when I stopped a db. Re-opening Desktop and restarting the db then resulted in complaints that the ports were already in use. I uninstalled Desktop and removed the .Neo4jDesktop folders from my profile (user and roaming).

I downloaded the installer for Desktop version 1.1.0. It installed but on first run will not get past the choose path for application data dialogue; pressing the 'Confirm' button does nothing. Changing the path to point elsewhere makes no difference.

I am running Windows 10 Pro version 1803 (patched up to date). I have Kaspersky AV running and the Windows Firewall is on. I have added Powershell to my path, just in case. I have run out of ideas!

Log file:

[2018-10-11 17:09:06.862] [info] App starting
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.917] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - projects
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.918] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - databases
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.918] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - userData
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.918] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - graphApps
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.918] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - plugins
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.919] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - distributions
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.919] [info] Create PouchDB database if not exists - licenses
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.976] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - projects
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.982] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - databases
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.986] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - userData
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.991] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - graphApps
[2018-10-11 17:09:06.996] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - plugins
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.001] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - distributions
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.005] [info] Create persistent store if not exists - licenses
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.006] [info] Creating new client ID
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.017] [info] Reading bundled resources C:\Users\Ed\AppData\Local\Programs\Neo4j Desktop\resources
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.019] [info] Distribution folder for java created
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.061] [info] Distribution folder for neo4j created
[2018-10-11 17:09:07.117] [info] Distribution folder for graphApps created
[2018-10-11 17:09:12.921] [warn] C:\Users\Ed.Neo4jDesktop\neo4jDatabases not found
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.386] [info] Action[@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE] { payload: { hash: '', pathname: '/', search: '' },
type: '@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE' }
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.442] [info] Function[unnamed] dispatched
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.442] [info] Function[unnamed] dispatched
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.443] [info] Checking for powershell.
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.469] [info] Action[UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE] { type: 'UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE' }
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.506] [info] No data migrations needed, setting migration version to latest 11
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.509] [info] Application is online.
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.509] [info] Action[APPLICATION_ONLINE] { type: 'APPLICATION_ONLINE' }
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.722] [info] Action[UPDATE_RESTRICTION] { restrictionReason: 'No powershell available',
restrictionStatus: true,
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.749] [info] Checking for update
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.750] [info] Checking for update.
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.750] [info] Action[UPDATE_CHECK] { type: 'UPDATE_CHECK' }
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.758] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT] { shouldAccept: true,
[2018-10-11 17:09:17.762] [info] Action[LICENSES_LOAD_ALL] { licenses: {}, type: 'LICENSES_LOAD_ALL' }
[2018-10-11 17:09:18.862] [info] Update for version 1.1.10 is not available (latest version: 1.1.10, downgrade is disallowed).
[2018-10-11 17:09:18.862] [info] Update not available.
[2018-10-11 17:09:18.862] [info] Action[UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE] { type: 'UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE' }
[2018-10-11 17:09:21.602] [info] Function[unnamed] dispatched
[2018-10-11 17:09:21.602] [info] Action[APPLICATION_SHOULD_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT] { shouldAccept: false,
[2018-10-11 17:09:21.612] [info] Function[unnamed] dispatched
[2018-10-11 17:09:21.616] [info] Action[SHOW_DATA_PATH_CONTAINER] { dataPathError: '',
isVisibleDataPathContainer: true,
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.268] [info] App is quitting
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.269] [info] Closing PouchDB[projects].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.269] [info] Closing PouchDB[databases].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.270] [info] Closing PouchDB[userData].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.270] [info] Closing PouchDB[plugins].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.270] [info] Closing PouchDB[distributions].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.270] [info] Closing PouchDB[graphApps].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.270] [info] Closing PouchDB[licenses].
[2018-10-11 17:09:35.299] [info] App quit with 0 code

Bit of an update. Still not solved but I note that when I try to install for all users, not just the current user, the installer still creates the .Neo4jDesktop folder in my current user profile. I wonder if although I have 'uninstalled' the application, there is something lurking in the Registry that preserves knowledge of that previous installation?

Second update: still not solved why I cannot install Neo4j Desktop onto a machine where it had been previously installed, however an installation onto a virgin build of Windows 10 worked fine, which reinforces my suspicion that some setting remains undeleted on my first machine. On my first machine I'm now using the community edition installed as a Windows service, which is working fine.


I'm having the same problem. I'm new to graph visualization. Have you found a program that works and is novice friendly to learn?


btw, NEO4J never replies to any of our queries either. Ironic.

Same problem on win10. I'd like to try neo4j for a coursera project, but it is not working atm.