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12-17-2020 05:12 AM
xml document
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:lei="http://www.gleif.org/data/schema/leidata/2016" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.gleif.org/data/schema/leidata/2016 schemas/2016-11-30_LEI-CDF-2-0_XML_Schema_Final.xsd"
<lei:LegalName>Libertyville Bank & Trust Company, N.A.</lei:LegalName>
<lei:FirstAddressLine>507 North Milwaukee Avenue</lei:FirstAddressLine>
<lei:FirstAddressLine>507 North Milwaukee Avenue</lei:FirstAddressLine>
error I am facing.
Type mismatch: expected a map but was List{Map{_type -> String("ContentDate"), _text -> String("2020-12-08T23:33:04.799Z")}, Map{_type -> String("Originator"), _text -> String("5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12")}, Map{_type -> String("FileContent"), _text -> String("LOU_FULL_PUBLISHED")}, Map{_type -> String("RecordCount"), _text -> String("118125")}}
I am running the below command.
CALL apoc.load.xml("file:///Bloomberg_LEI_data.xml")
YIELD value as lei
UNWIND lei._children as record
WITH record._children as leirecord
WHERE leirecord._type=("LEIRecord")
RETURN leirecord._children
I want to get the LEI:ID and compare it with some other xml data.( which also contains ID ) get the relationship between those two xml documents.
I am using apoc in neo4j database to obtain relationship between xml documents. What am I missing , How can I solve this issue and how to obtain relationship between two xml documents in apoc . Any help / resources to solve this would be really helpful.
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