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10-28-2020 10:25 AM
Hey folks - I am struggling a bit with my syntax for SPLIT and UNWIND. I think I am close, but I am getting some weird type errors...
I have a CSV that looks like the following:
,VM Name,Datastore
As you can see, when the CSV was generated (output from Pandas) some of the rows contain a single datastore, but some contain multiples and are quoted. Also Pandas apparently stuck an ID column in there with no header...
Anyways, I am using the following code to try to import the data - objects have already been created, so all I have to do is match them and create a relationship:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///rel-vmtods.csv' AS vmdsrow
//WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, vmdsrow.Datastore AS impDS
WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, SPLIT(vmdsrow[2], ",") AS multiDS
UNWIND multiDS as impDS
MATCH (vm:VM {VMName: impVM})
MATCH (ds:Datastore {DatastoreName:impDS})
MERGE (vm)-[rel:IS_STORED_ON]->(ds)
However I am receiving the following error if I use "SPLIT" -
Expected Long(1) to be a org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue, but it was a org.neo4j.values.storable.LongValue (Failure when processing file '/Users/username/Library/Application%20Support/com.Neo4j.Relate/Data/dbmss/dbms-ce00a1b5-549e-4941-a09e-1221aac8a74b/import/rel-vmtods.csv' on line 2.)
If I uncomment the second line (and comment out the 3rd) it runs fine - but obviously it doesn't successfully match on any rows with multiple values in column 3, so I only get a fraction of the necessary relationships created.
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-28-2020 05:11 PM
I think I've got it - Actually Koji's solution above was the answer for the cypher. I had a second problem in that the CSV file created by Pandas inserted a space into the string. I had to TRIM it as follows:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///rel-vmtods.csv' AS vmdsrow
WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, SPLIT(vmdsrow.Datastore, ",") AS multiDS
UNWIND multiDS as impDS
MATCH (vm:VM {VMName: impVM})
MATCH (ds:Datastore {DatastoreName:TRIM(impDS)})
MERGE (vm)-[rel:IS_STORED_ON]->(ds)
10-28-2020 12:59 PM
updated my pandas export - CSV now reads as follows:
"VM Name","Datastore"
Both VM and datastore nodes have already been created, and I have a contraint on both as follows:
CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (ds:Datastore) ASSERT ds.DatastoreName IS UNIQUE;
using the following code to import, SPLIT, UNWIND and merge:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///rel-vmtods.csv' AS vmdsrow
WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, SPLIT(vmdsrow[1], ",") AS multiDS
UNWIND multiDS as impDS
MATCH (vm:VM {VMName: impVM})
MATCH (ds:Datastore {DatastoreName:impDS})
MERGE (vm)-[rel:IS_STORED_ON]->(ds)
Still getting the following error:
Expected Long(1) to be a org.neo4j.values.storable.TextValue, but it was a org.neo4j.values.storable.LongValue (Failure when processing file '/Users/ttwyman/Library/Application%20Support/com.Neo4j.Relate/Data/dbmss/dbms-ce00a1b5-549e-4941-a09e-1221aac8a74b/import/rel-vmtods.csv' on line 2.)
10-28-2020 01:22 PM
Hi @tmvt
If NO "WITH HEADERS", you can write SPLIT(vmdsrow[2], ",").
If "WITH HEADERS", you can write SPLIT(vmdsrow.Datastore, ",").
10-28-2020 01:46 PM
Update - modified my code as follows:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///rel-vmtods.csv' AS vmdsrow
WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, SPLIT(vmdsrow.Datastore, ",") AS multiDS
UNWIND multiDS as impDS
MATCH (vm:VM {VMName: impVM})
MATCH (ds:Datastore {DatastoreName:impDS})
MERGE (vm)-[rel:IS_STORED_ON]->(ds)
Looks like Cypher prefers the header reference as I have imported a file with headers. However, the first couple times I ran this way it wasn't actually creating the secondary / tertiary relationships.
Then I ran it explicitly calling a specific object as follows:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///rel-vmtods.csv' AS vmdsrow
WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, SPLIT(vmdsrow.Datastore, ",") AS multiDS
UNWIND multiDS as impDS
MATCH (vm:VM {VMName: "Cloud_vSphere_Machine_1-mcm402020-105303377304"})
MATCH (ds:Datastore {DatastoreName:impDS})
MERGE (vm)-[rel:IS_STORED_ON]->(ds)
And it successfully created multiple relationships for the (ds) object... I am getting closer!
10-28-2020 05:11 PM
I think I've got it - Actually Koji's solution above was the answer for the cypher. I had a second problem in that the CSV file created by Pandas inserted a space into the string. I had to TRIM it as follows:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///rel-vmtods.csv' AS vmdsrow
WITH vmdsrow.`VM Name` AS impVM, SPLIT(vmdsrow.Datastore, ",") AS multiDS
UNWIND multiDS as impDS
MATCH (vm:VM {VMName: impVM})
MATCH (ds:Datastore {DatastoreName:TRIM(impDS)})
MERGE (vm)-[rel:IS_STORED_ON]->(ds)
10-29-2020 09:14 AM
Hi @tmvt
I am glad that the problem has been resolved.
When I use SPLIT(), I often use the TRIM() function.
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