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Strange syntax, sqaure brackets, vertical bar


I'm new to Neo4j Cypher, trying to understand all the basics of syntax.
Found this code (source page here)


MATCH (p:Person) WITH collect(distinct as countries
WITH [cName IN countries | apoc.create.vNode(['Country'],{name:cName})] as countryNodes
WITH,'name') as countries
MATCH (p1:Person)-[:KNOWS]->(p2:Person)
WITH as cFrom, as cTo, count(*) as count, countries
RETURN countries[cFrom] as from, countries[cTo] as to, apoc.create.vRelationship(countries[cFrom],'KNOWS',{count:count},countries[cTo]) as rel;


Can't figure out how line 2 of the code works.
If I split it into blocks, it starts with the WITH keyword, and ends with a variable name:


WITH [] as countryNodes


Alright, so far so good. Variable countryNodes gets assigned some value that's coming from the square brackets.
But what do those square brackets do?


[cName IN countries | apoc.create.vNode(['Country'],{name:cName})]


I cannot find any manual page that suggests a syntax like this:


[ expression | expression ]


I would appreciate if someone could explain this and also provide some hints to documentation (if that is a documented syntax).



It’s list comprehension syntax.  Take the following:

[x in aList | someFunction(x)] as y

what this does is take the list represented by ‘aList’ and transforms it element-by-element to a new list, which is bound to variable ‘y’. The transformation is the someFunction that you specify. In your example, the code is using an APOC function to transform element ‘x’. Another example is converting a list of nodes into a list of values represented by a single property of the nodes. For example, 

[x in nodeList |] 

this will create a new list consisting of just the value of the name property of each node in the list. 
list comprehension is one of my favorite tools. You can even add a filtering predicate, so you can extract specific elements from the list. For example, 

[x in nodeList where x.age > 20 |]
will return a list of the names for nodes in nodeList that have an age greater than 20.  Both the filter and mapping parts are optional.

map comprehension is equally cool. 

View solution in original post



It’s list comprehension syntax.  Take the following:

[x in aList | someFunction(x)] as y

what this does is take the list represented by ‘aList’ and transforms it element-by-element to a new list, which is bound to variable ‘y’. The transformation is the someFunction that you specify. In your example, the code is using an APOC function to transform element ‘x’. Another example is converting a list of nodes into a list of values represented by a single property of the nodes. For example, 

[x in nodeList |] 

this will create a new list consisting of just the value of the name property of each node in the list. 
list comprehension is one of my favorite tools. You can even add a filtering predicate, so you can extract specific elements from the list. For example, 

[x in nodeList where x.age > 20 |]
will return a list of the names for nodes in nodeList that have an age greater than 20.  Both the filter and mapping parts are optional.

map comprehension is equally cool. 

Thank you for such an explanatory reply. This was exactly what I was missing!

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