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07-01-2022 05:44 AM
I'm trying to run this simple dump command in powershell and print the output after running the command to a logfile:
Start-Transcript -Path log.txt
V:\neo4j\relate-data\dbmss\dbms-a5914a53-3b7d-42d0-a050-8bd6058e5e98\bin\neo4j-admin dump --database=neo4j --to=V:\neo4j\dumps
What I want into log.txt is:
Selecting JVM - Version:11.0.12+7, Name:OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Vendor:Microsoft
Archive already exists: V:\neo4j\dumps
but the start/stop transcript is not capturing anything, leaving the log.txt file empty except for the auto generated header and transcript text ex:
start/stop transcript works fine if the command is ex. "dir".
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