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08-02-2021 11:33 PM
I would like to query the event sequence in order and some of them happend together. Let's say we have a, b, c, d, e five events (e:Event {eventType, start_time, end_time}) and my excepted query result is something like
[a, (abc), (ae), b, (ce)]
[(ab), (bce), c, (be), b]
[(ace), c, b, (bc), b, a, c]
where each list is an ordered list and events inside each bracket means they took place together or most of their happen time are overlap (by their start_time, end_time and controled by the overlap threshold)
hope to get some ideas from you, thanks
08-04-2021 09:47 AM
Hi Oli,
one of the most amazing thing about neo4j is the ability to create temporary nodes just in order to simplify queries and, if not needed any more, destroy them after.
I really think it would help if you extract all start and end date (distinct) put them as chained nodes and creating relations to the events:
(Built using following test values:
create (d15:DATE{date:date({year:2021, month:2, day:15})})
create (d17:DATE{date:date({year:2021, month:2, day:17})})
create (d21:DATE{date:date({year:2021, month:2, day:21})})
create (d24:DATE{date:date({year:2021, month:2, day:24})})
create (e1:EVENT {start_time: date({year:2021, month:2, day:15}), end_time: date({year:2021, month:2, day:21})})
create (e2:EVENT {start_time: date({year:2021, month:2, day:17}), end_time: date({year:2021, month:2, day:24})})
merge (d15)-[:NEXT]->(d17)-[:NEXT]->(d21)-[:NEXT]->(d24)
merge (d15)<-[:STARTS_ON]-(e1)-[:ENDS_ON]->(d21)
merge (d17)<-[:STARTS_ON]-(e2)-[:ENDS_ON]->(d24)
The model might be then easier to query, but still not optimized: you need to connect the dates in-between to the events:
match (d1:DATE)<-[:STARTS_ON]-(e:EVENT)-[:ENDS_ON]->(d2:DATE)
match (d1)-[:NEXT*]->(d:DATE)-[:NEXT*]->(d2)
merge (e)-[:IS_OVER]->(d)
Now you can query every events having any common date:
match (e1:EVENT)-[r1]->(d:DATE)<-[r2]-(e2:EVENT)
where id(e1)>= id(e2)
return distinct e1, e2, collect(type(r1))+collect(type(r2))
08-04-2021 05:30 PM
Thanks @Benoit_d for the nice idea,
I would like to ask that what if I use timestamp as the starttime and endtime. I think that would create so many nodes. If there is a way to deal with it?
08-05-2021 01:03 AM
Hi Oli,
"timestamp" is none of the vocabular that is in use in neo4j. Have a look at
You can ensure to have a propriety which a date when you use
Create (e:EVENT{start_time:date("2021-02-28")})
Create (e:EVENT{start_time:date({year:2021, month:2, day:28})})
If you want a "timestamp" where I undertand that you need date and time, then use a datetime
Create (e:EVENT{start_time:datetime("2021-02-28T15:54:12")})
The most interesting part of well formed data, time or datetime is that you can query on part of it:
match (e1:EVENT)
where e1.start_time.year = 2021 and e1.start_time.month = 2
But most important is that the data model can be redesigned at every time in order to simplify/optimize the queries:
Never care about "how many nodes" (the amount of data remains the same), but about "how I can access the data", which is the reason for the use of databases even if databases use much more resources than csv-files.
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