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01-19-2020 10:03 AM
I have a problem with a char in a JSON - the following request (in the Neo4j Browser):
CALL apoc.es.get('localhost','BEAT','_search',null,null,'{"size":1,"query":{"range":{"@timestamp":{ "gte":"2019-11-18T00:00:00.000Z","lt":"2019-11-22T22:30:00.000Z"}}}}')
yield value with value.hits.hits as hits
UNWIND hits as hit
responds the following:
"@timestamp": "2019-11-18T18:55:27.186Z",
"_id": "pAbef24B7Iy8Ibw1p4GW",
The timestamp object contains a @ and I tried to escape the @ in a merge statement with:
MERGE (event:event {
id: hit._id,
time: hit.\@timestamp}
it occurs with:
Invalid input '\': expected an identifier, whitespace, a function name or a property key name
I also tried other ways to escape:
hit.\u0040timestamp >>> utf 16: @ > 0040
"hit.\@timestamp" >>> double ticks MERGE all nodes with the string
How could I escape the @ in a json object in MERGE statement?
Is there an escape hierarchy between cypher and the under lying parser?
Greetings Sebastian
(Btw.: The @ comes from the elastic search common scheme.)
01-19-2020 02:58 PM
Just use backticks.
MERGE (event:event {
id: hit._id,
time: hit.`@timestamp`}
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