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07-08-2020 01:42 PM
I am querying web API from TheMovieDatabase (tmdb) for list of movies by year for supplied parameters.
The response is 20 movies per page and metadata for currentpage/total results/total pages.. Sample response below for 7th page.
"page": 7,
"total_results": 122,
"total_pages": 7,
"results": [
"popularity": 0.6,
"vote_count": 1,
"video": false,
"poster_path": null,
"id": 406847,
"adult": false,
"backdrop_path": null,
"original_language": "hi",
"original_title": "Gullu Dada 4",
"genre_ids": [
"title": "Gullu Dada 4",
"vote_average": 4,
"overview": "Miya Bhai (Adnan Sajid Khan), a small-time gangster who terrorizes a whole colony of people finds his heart taken hostage by the charms of aspiring singer Tarannum (Khushbu), but she already has a suitor in the male vocalist (Aziz Nasser) of the band. Meanwhile, another gangsta is harbouring dreams of getting the girl.",
"release_date": "2013-12-27"
"popularity": 0.996,
"vote_count": 1,
"video": false,
"poster_path": "/9gUrGqt1EvfuBsUoTcixU2nJSnj.jpg",
"id": 503928,
"adult": false,
"backdrop_path": "/wity5ST8pRLewrsHRk6vP0R7fIe.jpg",
"original_language": "hi",
"original_title": "Mahabharat",
"genre_ids": [
"title": "Mahabharat",
"vote_average": 6,
"overview": "Mahabharat is considered as the greatest and the longest epic in world literature It has all the possible elements that a story could have - conflict, duty, sacrifice, heroism, truth, justice, romance, adventure, fantasy and relationships - making it truly an all-encompassing fascinating saga.",
"release_date": "2013-12-27"
I have made below attempts using samples in cypher manual, Blog from Mark and Zendesk example etc.
1- Simply loading first page - Works for upto 20 entries
WITH 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key=??&language=en&sort_by=release_date.asc&include_adult=false&include_video=false&with_original_language=hi&year=2013&page=' + import.page AS uri, import.page AS initialPage, import
CALL apoc.load.json(uri) YIELD value
UNWIND value.results as movie
MERGE (mNode:Movie {id:movie.id})
on create
set mNode += { original_language:movie.original_language,
release_date:movie.release_date }
2 - When I want to try looping through multiple pages using apoc.periodic.commit. Set up import node
"identity": 256,
"labels": [
"properties": {
"page": 1
call apoc.periodic.commit("
MATCH (import:Import)
WITH 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key=??&language=en&sort_by=release_date.asc&include_adult=false&include_video=false&with_original_language=hi&year=2013&page=' + import.page AS uri, import.page AS initialPage, import
CALL apoc.load.json(uri) YIELD value
UNWIND value.results as movie
MERGE (mNode:Movie {id:movie.id})
on create
set mNode += { original_language:movie.original_language,
release_date:movie.release_date }
WITH initialPage, import, value
WHEN count(movie) < 20
count(movie) END AS count
FOREACH(ignoreMe in CASE WHEN count = 0 THEN [] ELSE [1] END |
MERGE (import)
SET import.page = initialPage+1
RETURN count", {limit:20});
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