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09-13-2022 02:50 PM
I have two version of the same query one parameterized and the other non- parameterized. when I run both these queries after some days of running the neo4j database, the parameterized version is about 10 times slower (screenshots attached) then after a restarting the database both queries execute in about 20 secs.
Can someone please explain what could be the possible cause of this behavior.
Parameterized query :
match (s:CSI{technicalAssetUId:$technicalAssetUId})
MATCH p=(techAsset1)-[:OFFERS|CONTAINS*2..2]->(ds:DSCOPE) WHERE (techAsset1:CSI OR techAsset1:EUC)
and (techAsset1=s or length(shortestPath((techAsset1)<-[:PROVIDES_TO|OFFERS|CONSUMED_BY*0..]-(s)))>0)
call {
with ds
MATCH (PTYP:PTYP)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(PTYP) in $scopes.qualifiers0[0].qualifiers
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in $scopes.qualifiers0[1].qualifiers
return ds as filteredDs
with ds
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in $scopes.qualifiers1[0].qualifiers
MATCH (PTYP:PTYP)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(PTYP) in $scopes.qualifiers1[1].qualifiers
MATCH (MSEG:MSEG)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MSEG) in $scopes.qualifiers1[2].qualifiers
MATCH (MGEO:MGEO)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MGEO) in $scopes.qualifiers1[3].qualifiers
return ds as filteredDs
with ds
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in $scopes.qualifiers2[0].qualifiers return ds as filteredDs
with ds
MATCH (MGEO:MGEO)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MGEO) in $scopes.qualifiers3[0].qualifiers
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in $scopes.qualifiers3[1].qualifiers
MATCH (MSEG:MSEG)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MSEG) in $scopes.qualifiers3[2].qualifiers
MATCH (PTYP:PTYP)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(PTYP) in $scopes.qualifiers3[3].qualifiers
return ds as filteredDs
with distinct filteredDs,s
match (techAsset1)-[r1:OFFERS]->(do:DOFFERING)-[:CONTAINS]->(filteredDs)-[:OWNED_BY]->(dc:DCONTRACT)-[r2:CONSUMED_BY]-(techAsset2)
MATCH p = (do)-[r:PROVIDES_TO]->(dc)
WHERE (techAsset1:CSI OR techAsset1:EUC) and techAsset2 <> s
WITH collect(do )+ collect(dc) +collect(techAsset1) +collect(techAsset2) as nodes,collect(r1)+ collect(r2) +collect(r) as relationships
UNWIND nodes AS n
WITH relationships, COLLECT(DISTINCT n) AS nodes, collect(distinct {offering:n.dataOfferingUId,authority:d.dataAuthType,authoritySourceId:d.dataAuthSourceId}) as dataAuthorityList
UNWIND relationships AS r
WITH dataAuthorityList, nodes, COLLECT(DISTINCT r) AS relationships
UNWIND(nodes + relationships + [dataAuthorityList]) as result
RETURN result
Non parameterized query:
match (s:CSI{technicalAssetUId: "dced8026-ab4b-4943-abc7-7ced099dbf52" })
MATCH p=(techAsset1)-[:OFFERS|CONTAINS*2..2]->(ds:DSCOPE) WHERE (techAsset1:CSI OR techAsset1:EUC)
and (techAsset1=s or length(shortestPath((techAsset1)<-[:PROVIDES_TO|OFFERS|CONSUMED_BY*0..]-(s)))>0)
call {
with ds
MATCH (PTYP:PTYP)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(PTYP) in [4434]
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in [5655]
return ds as filteredDs
with ds
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in [98384]
MATCH (PTYP:PTYP)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(PTYP) in [77823]
MATCH (MSEG:MSEG)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MSEG) in [93773]
MATCH (MGEO:MGEO)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MGEO) in [31379]
return ds as filteredDs
with ds
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in [78449] return ds as filteredDs
with ds
MATCH (MGEO:MGEO)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MGEO) in [123]
MATCH (DCON:DCON)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(DCON) in [33423]
MATCH (MSEG:MSEG)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(MSEG) in [5533]
MATCH (PTYP:PTYP)-[:QUALIFIES]->(ds) where ID(PTYP) in [42324]
return ds as filteredDs
with distinct filteredDs,s
match (techAsset1)-[r1:OFFERS]->(do:DOFFERING)-[:CONTAINS]->(filteredDs)-[:OWNED_BY]->(dc:DCONTRACT)-[r2:CONSUMED_BY]-(techAsset2)
MATCH p = (do)-[r:PROVIDES_TO]->(dc)
WHERE (techAsset1:CSI OR techAsset1:EUC) and techAsset2 <> s
WITH collect(do )+ collect(dc) +collect(techAsset1) +collect(techAsset2) as nodes,collect(r1)+ collect(r2) +collect(r) as relationships
UNWIND nodes AS n
WITH relationships, COLLECT(DISTINCT n) AS nodes, collect(distinct {offering:n.dataOfferingUId,authority:d.dataAuthType,authoritySourceId:d.dataAuthSourceId}) as dataAuthorityList
UNWIND relationships AS r
WITH dataAuthorityList, nodes, COLLECT(DISTINCT r) AS relationships
UNWIND(nodes + relationships + [dataAuthorityList]) as result
RETURN result
I experienced this using the below clients;
Neo4j Browser version: 4.4.2
JavaScript driver; neo4j-driver version: 4.4.6
python driver version; neo4j version: 4.3.4
Please see some details for the neo4j database if that is helpful.
Neo4j Server version: 4.3.10 (enterprise)
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