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Novice want to "Weave" lists from CSV


I want to import data from CSV which contains multiple lists and nested lists, like this example:

jack,[art1,art2,art3],[[data,lists],[data,analysis,qualitative research,quantification],[data,]]

I want to 'weave' the lists in such a way that I can create nodes and relation as:

  • Where the first nested keyword list relates to the first article and so on.

I have been looking into some of the functions but it doesn't seem to be the way to go.
I am in my first month of learning Neo4j and my question might be straightforward, but I am stuck at the moment and would very much appreciate help or guidance.

Thank you,


Graph Maven
Problem with csv file is that it treats all column values as strings. There is no datatype like list or map. To circumvent this situation we need to take a little bit longer route.

As there are many commas in the column values this poses a bigger problem when the selected delimiter is ','. Couple of options:

1. Select '|' (pipe) as the delimiter.
jack|[art1,art2,art3]|[[data,lists],[data,analysis,qualitative research,quantification],[data,]]

2. Enclose your article and keywords strings in double quotes
jack,"[art1,art2,art3]","[[data,lists],[data,analysis,qualitative research,quantification],[data,]]"

Here is a solution (with option 2):

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///emba.csv" AS row 
with row

//parsing articles.................
with row.articles as a1, row
with replace(a1, '[', '') as a2, row
with replace(a2, ']', '') as a2, row
with split(a2, ',') as a22, row

//creating Name and Article nodes................
merge (a:Name {name: "jack"})
merge (b:Article {name: a22[0]})
merge (b1:Article {name: a22[1]})
merge (b2:Article {name: a22[2]})

//relating name and article nodes..................
merge (a)-[:WROTE]->(b)
merge (a)-[:WROTE]->(b1)
merge (a)-[:WROTE]->(b2)

with b, b1, b2, row

//parsing the keywords...............................
with b, b1, b2, row.keywords as k1
with b, b1, b2, split(k1, '],') as k21
with b, b1, b2, replace(k21[0], '[', '') as k22, replace(k21[1], ']', '') as k23, replace(k21[2], ']', '') as k24
with b, b1, b2, k22, k23, k24, replace(k23, '[', '') as k23a, replace(k24, '[', '') as k24a 

//creating keyword nodes........................
merge (k:Keywords {keyword: k22})
merge (k1:Keywords {keyword: k23a})
merge (k2:Keywords {keyword: k24a})

//relating keywords to articles....................
merge (b)-[:ABOUT]->(k)
merge (b1)-[:ABOUT]->(k1)
merge (b2)-[:ABOUT]->(k2)
Added 7 labels, created 7 nodes, set 7 properties, created 6 relationships, completed after 692 ms.


Hi ameyasoft - Thank you very much for the answer, this looks exactly like what I am looking for 🙂