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12-16-2019 10:57 AM
Hi all,
Reading the docs, I've found an algorithm called Node Similarity (https://neo4j.com/docs/graph-algorithms/current/algorithms/node-similarity/), supposed to be called by "CALL algo.nodeSimilarity". However, calling it raises a "Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound" exception, so it seems being not available in "algo". If I list "algo" procedures with "CALL algo.list()", nodeSimilarity also does not appear.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm using neo4j-community server 3.5.12 with "algo" installed.
12-16-2019 03:30 PM
I had something similar at first using Graph Algorithms on 3.5.12 and fixed by adjusting Other Neo4j system properties in Conf file:
dbms security.procedures.unrestricted=algo.*
Those are in addition to any other plugins you are using. I was told it is redundant, but listing .algo* under both was my fix to get louvain working-same thing, wasn't appearing in CALL algo.list(). Maybe try that...
12-17-2019 05:27 AM
@mike.cohan, I believe everything is ok with my conf file. With regard to installed plugins, my conf reads:
dbms.security.procedures.whitelist=apoc.*, algo.*
The correspondent jars are located in the plugins/ directory.
The louvain algorithm is listed if I "CALL algo.list()"
12-17-2019 07:25 AM
@guinametal Louvain was what I was looking for when I had a similar issues-CALL algo.list() not displaying the full list of Graph Algorithms. Attached shot is of my Other Neo4j system properties
Another thing you might want to try is downloading:
Looks like 3.5.14 was released today-I just did this to test before I responded and is fine for me. Had the issue was community 3.5.11 and this, along with updating conf file fixed it:
-Then use neo4j as were, but to load in CMD line, would type in cd "new path to 3.5.14"
-Also, will need to set new password for 3.5.14 during :server connect
-default is username: "neo4j" password: "neo4j"
12-18-2019 01:48 AM
Node similarity is new as of the 3.5.13 release, so it won't be in earlier jars
For Louvain, check out algo.beta.louvain
- we have a new, optimized implementation (about 3x faster) that's been released under the beta namespace as a preview before we release an overhauled library in January.
12-27-2019 10:32 AM
Oh cool. Thank you for the confirmation Alicia
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