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Neo4j Unwind query response very slow

Hello every one
I am using neo4j 4.1.3 (Community) version
I have a graph that contains only 600 nodes and I am executing an unwind query but it is responding very slow can someone help me out

OPTIONAL MATCH(u1:User {status : '1'})-[x:POSTS]->(p:Post {status : '1'}) 
WHERE  p.postId IS NOT NULL AND p.postType IN ['1','3'] WITH COLLECT(DISTINCT{userId : u1.userId,username : u1.username,
firstName : u1.firstName,lastName : u1.lastName,profilePic : u1.profilePic,postType : p.postType,sharedOnPersonalFeed : 
p.sharedOnPersonalFeed,description : p.description,postedAt : p.postedAt, price: p.price, postData: p.postData, 
viewCount: p.viewCount, commentCount: p.commentCount,totalTipReceived: p.totalTipReceived, currency: p.currency, 
postId: p.postId, postedOn: p.postedOn,allowComments: p.allowComments,allowDownload: p.allowDownload, allowShare: p.allowShare }) 
AS rows, p  

OPTIONAL MATCH(u:User {userId: '$userId', status: '1'})-[f: FOLLOW]->(u1:User {status: '1'})-[x: POSTS]->
(pp:Post {status: '1'}) WHERE p.postId <> pp.postId AND pp.postType IN ['1','3']  WITH rows,COLLECT(DISTINCT{userId : u1.userId,
username : u1.username,firstName : u1.firstName,lastName : u1.lastName,profilePic : u1.profilePic,postType : pp.postType,
sharedOnPersonalFeed : pp.sharedOnPersonalFeed,description : pp.description,postedAt : pp.postedAt,price : pp.price,
postData : pp.postData,viewCount : pp.viewCount,commentCount : pp.commentCount,totalTipReceived : pp.totalTipReceived, 
currency: pp.currency, postId: pp.postId, postedOn: pp.postedOn, allowComments: pp.allowComments,allowDownload: pp.allowDownload, 
allowShare: pp.allowShare }) AS allrows UNWIND (allrows + rows) AS x WITH x  

WHERE x.postId IS NOT NULL MATCH(p:Post {status : '1'}) 
WHERE p.postId = x.postId OPTIONAL MATCH (p)<-[l:LIKES]-(uLike:User {userId: '$userId',status : '1'}) 
WITH x,p,COUNT(l) AS isLike OPTIONAL MATCH (p)<-[ll:LIKES]-(tLike:User {status : '1'}) WITH p, x,isLike,COUNT(ll) AS totalLike 
OPTIONAL MATCH (p)<-[pp2:POSTPURCHASE]-(up:User {userId: '$userId',status : '1'}) WITH p, x,isLike,totalLike,
COUNT(pp2) AS isVisible OPTIONAL MATCH (p)<-[b:BOOKMARK]-(uBook:User {userId: '$userId',status : '1'}) WITH p, x,
isLike,totalLike,isVisible,COUNT(b) AS isBookmarked OPTIONAL MATCH(p)-[tt: TAGGEDUSER]->(u2: User {status : '1'}) WITH p, x,isLike,
totalLike,isVisible,isBookmarked,COLLECT(DISTINCT{userId: u2.userId, username: u2.username, firstName: u2.firstName, 
lastName: u2.lastName,profilePic: u2.profilePic }) [0..5] AS taggedUsers 
RETURN DISTINCT x.userId AS userId,x.username AS username, 
x.firstName AS firstName, x.lastName AS lastName, x.profilePic AS profilePic,x.postType AS postType, 
x.sharedOnPersonalFeed AS sharedOnPersonalFeed, x.description AS description, x.postedAt AS postedAt,x.price AS price,
x.postData AS postData, x.viewCount AS viewCount, x.commentCount AS commentCount,x.totalTipReceived AS totalTipReceived,
x.currency AS currency,x.postId AS postId, x.postedOn AS postedOn, x.allowComments AS allowComments, x.allowDownload AS allowDownload,
x.allowShare AS allowShare,taggedUsers,isLike,totalLike,isVisible,isBookmarked ORDER BY x.postedAt DESC SKIP 0 LIMIT 10

Can you if possible without breaking your database, execute the same query again but with the clause PROFILE on the top of all your clauses, like this:


If you can't, use EXPLAIN instead of PROFILE it won't write anything in the database and it's really faster. And post the picture you will get here. You can import it with the import function.