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11-15-2020 10:20 PM
I am using neo4j 4.0.8 and neosemantics I am trying to export my graph as rdf.
I am able to get rdf result using GET API
:GET /rdf/neo4j/describe/find/SUPPLYCHAIN/type/Supply_Chain
But post API using POST /rdf/neo4j/cypher is giving an empty rdf.
:POST /rdf/neo4j/cypher
{ "cypher" : "MATCH path=(cust:Customer {contactName : 'Rita Müller'})-[p:PURCHASED]->(o:Order)-[or:ORDERS]->(pr:Product) RETURN path" , "format": "N-Triples" }
Getting only empty rdf during export
@prefix rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# .
@prefix neovoc: neo4j://vocabulary# .
@prefix neoind: neo4j://individuals# .
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