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11-08-2022 11:33 PM
Hi everyone,
I have the following situation (as shown in the image below), where I have to return always the latest tagged Person node on the path while having to traverse an undefined number of hops in the HAS_PARENT relationship type.
Anyone any idea on a performant query that would satisfy all the cases? Thanks!
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-09-2022 12:43 PM
Here is a solution:
MATCH (family:Family)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(person)
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(person, {
relationshipFilter: "HAS_PARENT",
labelFilter: "+Person",
filterStartNode: true,
uniqueness: "RELATIONSHIP_PATH",
bfs: false
YIELD path
WHERE last(nodes(path)).tagged = true
WITH family, nodes(path) AS nodes
WITH family, apoc.coll.indexOf(nodes, last(nodes)) AS index, last(nodes) AS node
WITH family, apoc.coll.sortMaps(collect({index: index, node: node}), "index")[0] AS result
RETURN family.id AS family, result.node.id AS node
11-09-2022 01:17 AM - edited 11-09-2022 01:24 AM
Hello @busymo16 🙂
This query should do what you asked (you may have to change some config parameters or the WHERE clause)
MATCH (family:Family)
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(family, {
relationshipFilter: "<BELONGS_TO|HAS_PARENT>",
labelFilter: "+Person",
filterStartNode: false,
uniqueness: "RELATIONSHIP_PATH",
bfs: false
YIELD path
WHERE last(nodes(path))).tagged = true
WITH family, path, length(path) AS hops
RETURN family, path, hops
11-09-2022 01:34 AM
Hi @Cobra
Thanks for your answer. Actually, there might be another thing important to mention. It exists also the possibility that
(family: Family)-[:HAS_PARENT]->(parentFamily: Family)
so in this case I would also get the results for parentFamily, right? Also, I am not interested in the path of it but in the node itself, as I use it later on in a subsequent query. Is there a way to set the limit: * (just as an unknown depth)?
11-09-2022 01:55 AM
Hi @busymo16,
It will not get info from the parentFamily due to Family not being whitefiltered.
Please consider that this approach will first open the entire tree and just after retrieving all of the, it will prune non valid paths.
You have two options, you can use the property tagged as a Label, so then you can add it to the labelFilter as a Terminator. Or, if you don't want or can't modify your model, you may need to check the traversal api framework.
11-09-2022 03:35 AM - edited 11-09-2022 03:37 AM
Hi @bennu_neo,
Thanks for the explanation. The point is that the model cannot change at the moment speaking but also what I think happens, in this case, is that even the shorter paths are considered valid paths. The only issue is that I am interested in the last-tagged person and not the entire path above him. So basically, I only am interested in the last Person node that is tagged, so considering the depth-first search, it would be:
go until the last Person node in the path,
check if it is tagged
if yes, return it and break
if not, continue up the tree until (line 3) is the case.
if (line 3) is not possible, go to the next path
11-09-2022 04:13 AM
Hi @busymo16 !
I got your point. This fairly more complex than expected. I'll think about it.
11-09-2022 03:30 AM - edited 11-09-2022 03:51 AM
Hi @Cobra,
So basically your suggested query returns the family and also as a path is returning the family as well. I extended it to this one:
MATCH (family:Family)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(person:Person)
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(person, {
relationshipFilter: "<HAS_PARENT>",
labelFilter: "+Person",
filterStartNode: true,
uniqueness: "RELATIONSHIP_PATH",
bfs: false
YIELD path
WHERE last(nodes(path)).tagged = true
RETURN last(nodes(path))
which works fine for CASE III, but not for CASE I and II. The reason for it is that I get also the upper tagged Person nodes, where I am interested only in the last tagged one. Would filtering on uniqueness: "RELATIONSHIP_PATH|LABEL" satisfy CASE I and II as well? Thanks!
11-09-2022 05:14 AM
uniqueness setting only accept one value so it's not possible. Can you provide some Cypher queries to create your example please?
11-09-2022 07:15 AM - edited 11-09-2022 07:16 AM
Hi @Cobra
Sure. The following query creates some fake data with the model.
MERGE (p:Person{id:5})
MERGE (p1:Person{id: 6})
MERGE (p2:Person{id: 7})
MERGE (p3:Person{id: 8})
MERGE (p4:Person{id: 9})
MERGE (p5:Person{id: 10})
MERGE (p6:Person{id: 11})
MERGE (p7:Person{id: 12})
MERGE (p8:Person{id: 13})
SET p.tagged = true,
p1.tagged = false,
p2.tagged = true,
p3.tagged = false,
p4.tagged = false,
p5.tagged = true,
p6.tagged = false,
p7.tagged = true,
p8.tagged = false
MERGE (p)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f:Family{id:1})
MERGE (p1)-[:HAS_PARENT]->(p)
MERGE (p2)-[:HAS_PARENT]->(p1)
MERGE (p3)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f1:Family{id:2})
MERGE (p4)-[:HAS_PARENT]->(p3)
MERGE (p5)-[:HAS_PARENT]->(p4)
MERGE (p6)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f2:Family{id:3})
MERGE (p7)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(f3:Family{id:4})
MERGE (p8)-[:HAS_PARENT]->(p7)
If you then see the model it will look like this:
While executing the query below:
MATCH (family:Family)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(person:Person)
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(person, {
relationshipFilter: "<HAS_PARENT>",
labelFilter: "+Person",
filterStartNode: true,
uniqueness: "RELATIONSHIP_PATH",
bfs: false
YIELD path
WHERE last(nodes(path)).tagged = true
RETURN last(nodes(path)).id
The result is nodes with id: 5, 7, 10, 12
The expected result would be 7, 10, 12
11-09-2022 12:43 PM
Here is a solution:
MATCH (family:Family)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(person)
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(person, {
relationshipFilter: "HAS_PARENT",
labelFilter: "+Person",
filterStartNode: true,
uniqueness: "RELATIONSHIP_PATH",
bfs: false
YIELD path
WHERE last(nodes(path)).tagged = true
WITH family, nodes(path) AS nodes
WITH family, apoc.coll.indexOf(nodes, last(nodes)) AS index, last(nodes) AS node
WITH family, apoc.coll.sortMaps(collect({index: index, node: node}), "index")[0] AS result
RETURN family.id AS family, result.node.id AS node
11-10-2022 12:06 AM
Hi @Cobra,
Thanks for your answer. Logically this is the expected behavior but it is quite not performant for bigger use cases. I will have to use it in a graph that is going over through 100mil nodes more or less. I have also part of the query before this logic, and parts of it after the query. Any idea on speeding it up?
11-10-2022 12:47 AM
As said by @bennu_neo, you should change a bit your data model. For now, I don't have other ideas to speed-up the query ☹️
11-10-2022 04:01 AM
@busymo16 I did some testing with the new k-hop optimizations in v5. There are some requirements for it to kick in (hence the 0..999 and the distinct in my example), but this seems to work, if I'm understanding your requirements correctly:
match (f:Family)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(:Person)-[:HAS_PARENT*0..999]->(p:Person {tagged:true})
return distinct p
11-10-2022 04:06 AM - edited 11-10-2022 04:09 AM
@steggy Not quite what I would like to achieve according to the requirements. If you would create the graph with the above (also in this comment link: https://community.neo4j.com/t5/neo4j-graph-platform/multiple-hops-query/m-p/61907/highlight/true#M36...), the expected result would be 7, 10, 12 as ids to be returned. Meanwhile the query you suggest also in v.5.1 returns only 5, and 12 which is not what I expect.
I tried with neo4j:5.1.0-enterprise, as per the official docker image. Did you tune/add any parameters in the configuration?
11-10-2022 04:10 AM
@busymo16 Yes, you're right. I'm missing some nuance of the requirements that I cannot see no matter how many times I read the thread. I've been testing with your data - what am I missing that is eliminating node 7 from the results?
11-10-2022 04:12 AM - edited 11-10-2022 05:40 AM
@steggy No worries. Yes, eliminating nodes 7 and 10 and adding 5 instead. So the result to be correct with the requirements should be 7, 10, 12.
11-10-2022 05:39 AM
Hi @busymo16 ,
Am I missing something? I thought the answer for your example was only 7 and 10. 5 is not the last one on a possible path.
11-10-2022 07:51 AM
Hi @busymo16 ,
Do you trust me? If you do, please put this jar (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hC2PSUjvmcrdTfKcRSz15WnT4vG8DuRE?usp=sharing) on the plugin folder and execute the query as follows:
MATCH (f:Family)<-[BELONGS_TO]-(n)
WITH f, collect(n) as nn
CALL bennu.test(nn) yield node
return f, node
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