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Matching near-duplicates?

Hi all. I'm doing some data cleaning and one issue I've run into is multiple nodes that are nearly identical. For example, there are instances of multiple different Person nodes with the same property values for name, employer, and title, but slightly different values for their LinkedIn address.

I would ideally like to write a query that returns sets of "duplicate" nodes based on shared property values (name, employer, and title), so I can create some evaluation rules and delete near-duplicates in subsequent queries. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated for how I might go about matching and returning the near-duplicates. Thank you!


MATCH (p:Person)
WITH as name, collect(p) AS nodes
WHERE size(nodes) > 1
RETURN [ n in nodes |] AS names, size(nodes)

with can be extrapolated for employer and title

Graph Maven
Use APOC library to get similarity strength. I created a sample data and the results are here.

MERGE (a:Employee {name: "John", employer: "ABC", title: "Engineer", movie_genre: "Action"})

MERGE (a1:Employee {name: "John", employer: "ABC", title: "Engineer", movie_genre: "Thriller"}

MERGE (a2:Employee {name: "John", employer: "ABC", title: "Engineer", movie_genre: "Drama"}

MERGE (b:Employee {name: "John", employer: "ABC", title: "Manager", movie_genre: "Action"})

MERGE (b1:Employee {name: "John", employer: "ABC", title: "Neo4j Architect", movie_genre: "Thriller"})

MERGE (b2:Employee {name: "John", employer: "ABC", title: "Developer", movie_genre: "Drama"}

Similarity algorithms:

match (a:Employee)
match (b:Employee) where id(b) > id(a)

with (apoc.text.clean( + a.employer + a.title))as norm1,  (apoc.text.clean( + b.employer + b.title)) as norm2, a, b

with toInteger(apoc.text.jaroWinklerDistance(norm1, norm2) * 100) as similarity, a, b, norm1, norm2
with id(a) as ID1, id(b) as ID2, similarity, norm1, norm2
return ID1,norm1, ID2, norm2, similarity order by similarity desc


Similarity strength 100 means 100% match