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04-13-2020 02:07 PM
I want to load data from the local file .csv.
I wrote the cypher as follows,
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM url AS line With line CREATE (accident:Accident {identify:line.ID,zipcode:line.Zipcode,humidity:TOFLOAT(line.Humidity)})
But the Humidity column in the .csv is Humidity(%), so how do I process the property humidity when I load data from the local file.
If I wrote like this,
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM url AS line With line CREATE (accident:Accident {identify:line.ID,zipcode:line.Zipcode,humidity:TOFLOAT(line.Humidity(%))})
It is not right.
How to troubleshoot this problem?
04-13-2020 04:39 PM
You should surround the field names with backticks like this.
This is the sample.csv file.
LoadCSV Cypher
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///sample.csv' AS line
CREATE (:Sample {
id: line.ID,
zipcode: line.Zipcode,
humidity: toFloat(line.`Humidity(%)`)
04-13-2020 05:47 PM
Thanks so much for your help! It works.
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