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07-21-2021 12:58 AM
Hi, I wish to create relation for the event and match I pre-defined time period. For example, my event may be very long and contains several time periods and I wish to connect all of them, or may be very short event within a sigle time period. I wrote the following cypher query to do so
match (c:Car {carID:Car_ID})-[:takePlace]->(e:Event)
with collect(e) as evts
unwind evts as evt
match (p1:Period) where p1.start_time <= evt.start_time <= p1.end_time
match (p2:Period) where p2.start_time <= evt.end_time <= p2.end_time
case p1, p2
when p1.start_time = p2.start_time and p1.end_time=p2.end_time
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p1)
match (p:Period) where p1.start_time <= p.start_time and p.end_time <=p2.end_time
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p)
but the I got an error which confused me a lot, hope to get some ideas here,
07-21-2021 08:03 PM
UPDATE: found a way of doing so, but only the first FOREACH clause is working, for the second one, there is an error say "MATCH cannot be used inside FOREACH"
Any ideas? Thanks in advance
match (c:Car {carID:car_ID})-[:takePlace]->(e:Event)
with collect(e) as evts
unwind evts as evt
match (p1:Period) where p1.start_time <= toInteger(evt.start_time) <= p1.end_time
match (p2:Period) where p2.start_time <= toInteger(evt.end_time) <= p2.end_time
FOREACH (idx in CASE WHEN (p1.start_time = p2.start_time and p1.end_time = p2.end_time) THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p1)
FOREACH (idx in CASE WHEN not (p1.start_time = p2.start_time and p1.end_time = p2.end_time) THEN [1] ELSE [] END |
match (p:Period) where p1.start_time <= p.start_time and p.end_time <=p2.end_time
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p)
07-21-2021 11:39 PM
Don't know why there is no one in the community could answer this question. Maybe I did not make it clear, here is my purpose
match (c:Car {carID:car_ID})-[:takePlace]->(e:Event)
with collect(e) as evts
unwind evts as evt
match (p1:Period) where p1.start_time <= toInteger(evt.start_time) <= p1.end_time
match (p2:Period) where p2.start_time <= toInteger(evt.end_time) <= p2.end_time
//IF P1 == P2 : create relation on the node either P1 and P2
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p1)
//IF P1 != P2 : create relations on all the nodes between P1 or P2
match (p:Period) where p1.start_time <= p.start_time and p.end_time <=p2.end_time
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p)
Hope I could get some insights, thanks
07-21-2021 11:45 PM
07-21-2021 11:59 PM
Good Morning Cobra,
I checked and did not make much sense on them. I really got confused from the documentation
07-27-2021 12:25 AM
Could you explain, how that Period node is structured? Are these months or quarters?
Would be easier to understand which case this else-branch is used for and what kinds of overlapping of p1 and p2 should be solved.
07-27-2021 07:39 AM
Can you explain your Period node? Why are you introducing it? Is it for example for aggregating data in time periods, or for supporting specific queries?
Perhaps give some examples of Events and Periods you want to relate.
07-28-2021 06:37 PM
Thanks for the reply @ronny.de.winter @Reiner . Period is actually the partition of time series and I woud like to put every event to each period then to find the co-evolving event (sub-option of my another post Relation extraction in time hierarchy which no reply on it). For this issue, now I found it could be solved without if condition (case when). But the logic here I still wish a small tutorial from you professiona about how to use case when clause in such situation. Thanks
07-29-2021 12:07 AM
Try this:
match (c:Car {carID:car_ID})-[:takePlace]->(e:Event)
with collect(e) as evts
unwind evts as evt
match (p1:Period) where p1.start_time <= toInteger(evt.start_time) <= p1.end_time
match (p2:Period) where p2.start_time <= toInteger(evt.end_time) <= p2.end_time
match (p:Period) where p1.start_time <= p.start_time and p.end_time <=p2.end_time
with evt, p1, p2, p
FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN p1 = p2 pTHEN [1] ELSE [] END|
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p1)
FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN p1 <> p2 pTHEN [1] ELSE [] END|
create (evt)-[:onPeriod]->(p)
07-29-2021 12:37 AM
I can recommend the Graph Data Modeling for neo4j course. More specifically the part on Common Graph Structures has a section on "Timeline Trees" that could be of help.
07-29-2021 02:50 AM
Hi @oli ,
match(c:Car {carID:car_ID})-[:takePlace]->(e:Event)
with collect(e) as evts
unwind evts as evt
match (p1:Period)
WHERE p1.start_time <= toInteger(evt.start_time) <= p1.end_time
MATCH (p2:Period)
WHERE p2.start_time <= toInteger(evt.end_time) <= p2.end_time
CALL apoc.when(
p1 = p2,
'create (evt)-[r:onPeriod]->(p1) return r as newRelation',
'match (p:Period) where p1.start_time <= p.start_time and p.end_time <=p2.end_time
create (evt)-[r:onPeriod]->(p) return r as newRelation',
{p1:p1, p2:p2, evt:evt})
yield value
return value.newRelation as result
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