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Is there any way of querying on small part of a big graph in graph db

I am running gds algorithm(link prediction algorithm) in a graph db consist 10 million nodes and relations. It is taking huge amount of time in full node and relationship base.

call apoc.export.csv.query("MATCH (p:Vehicle)-[r:takes_rent]->(p2:CUSTOMER)WHERE p2.BMCC IN ['1','10','11','12','14','18','19','2','20','21','22','23','24','25','27','2741','28','29','30','32','3351','36','4','4131','4215','4511','4722','4812','4814','4816','4899','4900','5','5039','5047','5065','5111','5199','5200','5211','5251','5261','5399','5411','5441','5511','5533','5541','5641','5651','5661','5697','5712','5722','5732','5733','5734','5811','5813','5814','5912','5940','5941','5942','5944','5947','5948','5950','5977','5992','6','7','7011','7210','7221','7230','7379','7399','7531','7629','763','7832','7911','7996','7997','7999','8021','8062','8099','9']return distinct(p.ID) as Vehicle_ID,p2.ID as customer_wallet,p2.BMCC as BMCC_CODE,gds.alpha.linkprediction.adamicAdar(p,p2,{relationshipQuery:'takes_rent'}) as score","prefescore_dump_adamic_ader.csv", {batchsize:10000})

here I am using apoc library for dumping csv the result for parallel processing purpose. but it is taking huge time . Is there any way to make this query faster or how could I apply this query in small sample of this graph db


Graph Voyager

Hi, You could use UNWIND. You can iterate the list of BMCC then create several files.


the interesting fact is . The preferential attachment algorithm query took less time to finish. but Adamic ader, Common neighbour algorithm test queries didnt give me the output. Those query run for long time . So is it algorithm performance issue ?. My instance ram is 374gb and neo4j version is 3.5.11.

I am learning neo4j , could you kindly give me a Unwind statement sample format