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Is the hosted northwind sample database broken?

I was reading the basics of the Northwinds recommendation engine to experiment with queries (Northwind Recommendation Engine - graphgists). I tried this query in the online hosted Northwind:

match (c:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(o:Order)-[:PRODUCT]->(p:Product)
return c.companyName, p.productName, count(o) as orders
order by orders desc
limit 5

When this runs, I get no records, and I see a squigggly under the [:product] section. The tip that pops up says this relationship doesn't exist. Is this on in the online sample site? Or is there something I need to do to create it?


the screenshot shows the node labels and relationship types in the Northwind database. I don't see a PRODUCT relationship type.

It looks like the relationship type between an Order and a Product is ORDERS.

Try this:

match (c:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(o:Order)-[:ORDERS]->(p:Product)
return c.companyName, p.productName, count(o) as orders
order by orders desc
limit 5

Thanks, that works. I didn't even think about Orders. I'm guessing that someone changed the edges here and lots of sample queries on the site and Internet are now wrong? Could someone add Purchased back?