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Is is possible to use the value of a node property as a variable name for a relationship property?

Node Clone

I am trying to use the value of a node property as a variable name for a relationship property, and I haven't found any way to do it so far. Here is an example:

Let's say I have some node labels including:

(p:Person {id: #, name: "some name"})

(c:Currency {id: #, name: "currency symbol"})

(t:Transaction {id: #, amount: #} 

In this case, the transaction is not linked to the currency, but ignore this for now. I want to create a relationship to show that some person transacted with another.


1. can be one of many currencies [USD, EUR, GBP, ... etc]

2. If person A sends multiple currencies to person B, then each currency will have its own transaction.

Now if p1 sent some amounts of USD and EUR to p2, I want to create a relationship as follows:

(p1:Person)-[TRANSACTED_WITH {USD: some amount, EUR: some amount}]->(p2:Person)

So I want the relationship to have the symbol name of a sent currency as the property name and the amount as the value of that property. There can be one or multiple currencies sent from A to B.  So each relationship between two persons can have a different set of properties.

I tried the following, but it didn't work:

MERGE (p1:Person)-[TRANSACTED_WITH {c1["name"]: t1.amount}]->(p2:Person)

Is there actually any way to do that?



Property names must be literal values. You can try using apoc doIt procedure, as it will let you execution a cypher statement passed as a string.  As such, you can create your cypher string with the relationship's property name substituted with the value you need.


Hi @TK36 !

As @glilienfield said, there're several APOC procedures that may help you with this. An example of this can be:

MATCH(p1:Person { id : $id1}), (t1:Transaction { id : $id2}), (c1:Currency {id : $id3}), (p2:Person { id : $id4})
with *
CALL apoc.create.relationship(p1, 'TRANSACTION',[, t1.amount
]), p2) 
Oh, y’all wanted a twist, ey?