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How to model a feed with optional distribution list

My current model is similar to this:

type User {
  id: ID!
  friends: [Friend]
  stories: [Story] @relation(name: "WROTE", direction: "OUT")

type Friend @relation(name: "FRIEND") {
  id: ID!
  from: User!
  to: User!

type Story {
  id: ID!
  user: User @relation(name: "WROTE", direction: "IN")

My feed query is this:

 userFriendsStories(email: String, cursor: String, limit: String): [Story]
      statement: """
call {
  match (u:User {email: $email})-[:FRIEND]-(:User)-[:WROTE]-(s:Story)
  where s.updated < datetime($cursor)	
  return s
  match (u:User {email: $email})-[:WROTE]-(s:Story)
  where s.updated < datetime($cursor) 
  return s
return s
order by s.updated desc
limit toInteger($limit)

So currently I get all the stories my friends and I have written.

Now I'd like to support a Distribution list for the Story which is a subset of the Friends and may not include me.

How should I model this and how would that impact the query above?

I think I can add a Relationship on the Story that is the Distribution. How can the query limit the returned Stories only when the Distribution List exists and I am on that list? If the Distribution list is null, then all the Friend Stories will return as the query now does.