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How to handle relationships for a part of a graph?

I have the following graph.

Is it possible to remove only one from those reciprocal relationships or to make them point in the same direction?


Hello @marcelix161

You should have a look at the APOC function apoc.refractor.mergeRelationships() which is able to remove duplicate relationships by merging them:

MATCH (a)-[r:MINST2]-(b)
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships(collect(r), {
    properties: "overwrite"


View solution in original post


Do you care which direction remains, i.e, blue-to-orange nodes or orange-to-blue, or can one be removed randomly?

If you care, indicate the node labels and direction you want to delete.

Hi @glilienfield
Thank you for your hint.
The problem is that I'd need to apply it dynamically while uploading many graphs. 😞

Well, in general, you would remove a relationship with the following query. You can adapt it to your situation.

delete r

hm, but that will destroy the rest of the graph 😞

no, is just a need to adapt it to your specific needs to restrict it to correct nodes and relationships.


If you want a solution as general as possible to remove reciprocal relationships,
you could do:

match p=(a)-[r1]->(b), (b)-[r2]->(a) 
where id(r1) < id(r2) // to avoid double a, b results
delete r2

but, as said above, it's better to adapt your case, of course if possible,
by adding start and end labels to a and b and changing where id(r1) < id(r2) with a specific property.

Hello @marcelix161

You should have a look at the APOC function apoc.refractor.mergeRelationships() which is able to remove duplicate relationships by merging them:

MATCH (a)-[r:MINST2]-(b)
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships(collect(r), {
    properties: "overwrite"


Hi @Cobra ,

I find your idea helpful and I've been trying to apply it but to no avail.
I think I am able to write a query without errors but it doesn't do anything as well.

My cypher:

match (g:GId)-[rel:MINST]->(c:CId)
with g,c, collect(rel) as rels
unwind rels as r
call apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships(rels,{properties:"overwrite"})
yield rel
return rel

Do you think you could help me out?

MATCH (g:GId)-[rel:MINST]->(c:CId)
WITH g, c, collect(rel) AS rels
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships(rels, {properties: "overwrite"})

Hi @Cobra ,

Thank you for your input, but it doesn't seem to work as well 😞
I've created a small dataset simulating the case of the matter.

CREATE (n1:Person {name:'Tom'}),
(n3:Company {name:'Company1'}),
(n5:Car {brand:'Ferrari'}),
(n7:City {name:'London'}),

(n1)-[:WORKS_FOR {since:2015}]->(n3),
(n1)<-[:WORKPLACE_OF {since:2018}]-(n3),
(n3)-[:HAS_HQ {since:2004}]->(n7),
(n1)-[:DRIVE {since:2017}]->(n5);

and then run:

match (a1:Person)-[rel:WORKS_FOR]->(c1:Company)
with a1, c1, collect(rel) as rels
call apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships(rels, {properties:"overwrite"})
yield rel
return rel

But this procedure seems not to work for two different relationships. Am I right? Or is my cypher code incorrect?

There were two issues, the MATCH clause (you have only selected one relationship type) and the apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships() function only works if relationships have the same direction so:

First, you have to change the direction of relationships:

CALL apoc.refactor.invert(r)
YIELD input, output
RETURN input, output;

Then you can merge them:

MATCH (p:Person)-[r]->(c:Company)
WITH p, c, collect(r) AS relationships
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeRelationships(relationships, {properties: "overwrite"})

Finally, you can rename the relationships if needed:

MATCH (p:Person)-[r]->(c:Company)
CALL apoc.refactor.setType(r, 'NEW-TYPE')
YIELD input, output
RETURN input, output

Hi @Cobra,

ok. Thank you. I wanted to avoid inversion
But, I guess this is not possible.
In such a case do you know how to call procedure on multiple such relationships at once?

match p=(g:GId {start_marker: 1})-[r:MINST2*2]-(leaf)
with collect(r) as rels
unwind rels as rel
call apoc.refactor.invert(rel)

does not work, but if I use return instead of a procedure it seems to work fine.

What is the right direction between Gid and CId?


