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09-18-2018 12:59 PM
Hi All,
I have created three nodes p1, p2, p3. Both p1 & p2 nodes are having label called "username" and for p3 node label is "Topic".
I have created the relationship called "interest" as like below,
Below is the query I tried,
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///email_logs.csv" AS row
MERGE (p1:Username {mail_id: row.sender})
MERGE (p2:Username {mail_id: row.recipient})
MERGE (p3:Topic {topic: row.keywords})
WITH p1, p2, p3, row, COUNT(*) AS count
MERGE (p1)-[rel:sent]->(p2)
MERGE (p1)-[int:interest]->(p3)<-[t:interest]-(p2)
SET int.count = count
Now I tried to get the list of users who are interested to the specific topic and below is the cypher query I executed,
MATCH (p1:Username)-[int:interest]->(p3:Topic)<-[:interest]-(p2:Username) WHERE(p3.topic STARTS WITH 'non compliances')
Below is the response from the browser,
Then I tried using neovis.js to make the graph edge thickness based on the count of each user interested to the specific topic but however I am unable to do it.
Example:- In the above screenshot the user "QQshhg" has interest of five times to the topic "non-compliance" and below is the function I created using neovis,
function draw() {
var config = {
container_id: "viz",
server_url: "bolt://localhost:7687",
arrows: true,
labels: {
"Username": {
"caption": "mail_id",
"Topic": {
"caption": "topic",
relationships: {
"interest": {
"thickness": "count",
"caption": false
initial_cypher: "MATCH (p1:Username)-[int:interest]->(p3:Topic)<-[:interest]-(p2:Username) WHERE(p3.topic STARTS WITH 'non compliances') RETURN * LIMIT 50"
viz = new NeoVis.default(config);
And below is the response I got from the neovis,
Please correct me if I am doing anything wrong and help me to understand it.
Ganeshbabu R
09-24-2018 05:22 AM
It looks like it is plotting relationships with different thickness - can you check what the 'count' value is for the relationships between the users on the bottom and right of the diagram to the non compliances node?
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