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05-29-2020 07:23 PM
I have a graph db that maps out the relations between source files. I have the following query which finds all files that are calling the methods defined in the given source file.
MATCH (sourceFile:JSSourceFile {filename: 'test.js'})-[:Defines]->(sourceMethod:Method)
RETURN sourceFile.fileName AS sourceFile, COLLECT(DISTINCT callerFile.fileName) AS callerFile
ORDER BY sourceFile
Now I have added another label Utility
to some of the existing JSSourceFile
nodes. I need to filter out the TSSourceFile
whose methods calls the utilityMethods
. Doing this to avoid the utility method calls which in turn being called by the TSSoureFiles and end up polluting the results
Need to eliminate this relationship:
I have tried the following query but it is running forever on depth 2+ and I need depth in range of 1..5.
(sourceFile:JSSourceFile {fileName:"test.js"})-[:Defines]->(:Method)
WHERE NOT EXISTS((callerMethod)-[:Calls]->(sourceFile:Utility))
RETURN sourceFile.fileName, collect(DISTINCT callerFile.fileName)
I'm a beginner in neo4j and any guidance would be really helpful.
05-31-2020 07:54 AM
Within your WHERE clause, you can specify a not on a label, like so:
WHERE NOT (sourceFile:Utility)
This will exclude all nodes that have the Utility label assigned to it.
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