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12-28-2018 04:19 AM
Hi all,
I have a csv file containing:
"Cybersecurity knowledge","CONNECTED","Vulnerabilities"
"Cybersecurity knowledge","RELATED","Mitigations"
Trying to load from csv I used this (wrong) statement:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///relations.csv" AS row
MATCH (f:Node), (s:Node)
WHERE f.Name = row.FromNode
AND s.Name = row.ToNode
CREATE (f)-[:TOSTRING(row.RelationType)]->(s)
I found that the apoc procedure
"apoc.create.relationship(person1,'KNOWS',{key:value,...}, person2) create relationship with dynamic rel-type"
should do thework; but I was unable to find the correct syntax.
How can I create these differently labelled relationships from csv?
Tryed this
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///relations.csv" AS row
MATCH (f:Node), (s:Node)
WHERE f.Name = row.FromNode
AND s.Name = row.ToNode
CALL apoc.create.relationship(f, row.RelationType,{}, s)
(taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48606320/can-i-use-this-csv-to-load-a-neo4j-graph-with-cypher )
But obtained the error:
SyntaxError: Query cannot conclude with CALL (must be RETURN or an update clause) (line 5, column 1 (offset: 135))
12-28-2018 10:19 AM
Unless the CALL is the only thing in the query, you need to explicitly YIELD variables from the call (using call apoc.help('create.rel') shows us this procedure yields a
rel` variable), and as in the message you can't end the query with a CALL, it needs to be a writing clause or a return. If you need the equivalent of a no-op then you can remove a non-existent property from a node or relationship:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///relations.csv" AS row
MATCH (f:Node), (s:Node)
WHERE f.Name = row.FromNode
AND s.Name = row.ToNode
CALL apoc.create.relationship(f, row.RelationType,{}, s) YIELD rel
REMOVE rel.noOp
09-21-2020 06:45 PM
I am trying to do the same, but along with creating the nodes as well.
I tried this:
MERGE (src:Character {name: row.Source})
MERGE (tgt:Character {name: row.Target})
CALL apoc.create.relationship(src, row.Relation,{}, tgt) YIELD rel
REMOVE rel.noOp
ON CREATE SET r.weight = toInteger(row.weight)
But, it says:
WITH is required between MERGE and CALL (line 4, column 1 (offset: 142))
"CALL apoc.create.relationship(src, row.Relation,{}, tgt) YIELD rel"
Could you please help?
09-21-2020 10:56 PM
WITH src, tgt before the CALL statement
12-28-2018 11:04 AM
Thanks a lot: it worked.
Please, can you explain
If you need the equivalent of a no-op then you can remove a non-existent property from a node or relationship
I don't understand when and how
REMOVE rel.noOp
04-02-2019 04:40 PM
The comment was with regards to the requirement that a Cypher statement (unless consisting only of a single CALL) must end with either a RETURN or a writing clause (MERGE, CREATE, SET, REMOVE, DELETE).
Basically, you cannot end your statement on a CALL, that won't compile. If you don't need to return anything, then you can use a REMOVE on a nonexistent property.
REMOVE rel.noOp
This assumes that relationship doesn't have a noOp
property, so this REMOVE won't actually do anything, but it will work as the last part of the query, since you can't end on the CALL.
04-02-2019 11:54 PM
Thanks for the explanation
08-25-2022 08:27 AM
Below is the way for two csv files MIP_nodes.csv and MIP_edges.csv:
//Load csv data into the database - with dynamic label(s) WITH "file:///MIP_nodes.csv" AS uri LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM uri AS row WITH * WHERE row.label <> "" call apoc.merge.node ([row.label],{nodeId:row.nodeId, name: row.name, type: row.type, created: row.created, property1: row.property1, property2: row.property2}) YIELD node as n1 //RETURN n1 WITH * WHERE row.label = "" call apoc.merge.node (['DefaultNode'],{nodeId:row.nodeId, name: row.name, type: row.type, created: row.created, property1: row.property1, property2: row.property2}) YIELD node as n2 RETURN n1, n2 //Load csv data into the database - with dynamic relationship(s) //:auto USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///MIP_edges.csv' AS row MATCH (s) WHERE s.nodeId = row.sourceId //RETURN s MATCH (d) WHERE d.nodeId = row.destinationId //RETURN d CALL apoc.merge.relationship(s, row.label,{type:row.type, created: row.created, property1: row.property1, property2: row.property2},{}, d,{}) YIELD rel //REMOVE rel.noOp; RETURN rel;
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