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Graph dashboards & visualization tools

What graph BI & dashboarding tools are available / can you recommend?

Assuming data is available inside Neo4j I already have experimented a lot with Neo4j Bloom and can tell you that I like it a lot.
However, I need something which is easier or simpler for other users (think of something like an MS Access application for graphs)?

I know that custom solutions using javascript could be an option - but currently consider it too costly and complex for most visualizations or analyses.


one option Neo4j Connector for BI | Business Intelligence Graph Databases but this requires Tableau and given your requirements of

I need something which is easier or simpler for other users (think of something like an MS Access application for graphs)?

maybe Tableau is overkill

Node Clone

Since you mentioned Bloom you might find our SemSpect Graph App valuable (can be found in the Neo4j Graph App gallery or at SemSpect Graph App Installation). It provides an alternative way of visualizing and exploring Neo4j graphs. With the help of "saved explorations" and query-based labels you can define kind of dashboard-views (at least to some extend).

I read about the connector and it is nice for some dashboards. But at least as far as I know they can only display tableau default charts and no graphs or networks. This is why I was not thinking about it as a solution.

but might be a bit simpler than bloom.

I just stumbled upon NeoDash: Build Neo4j Dashboards Without Writing Any Front-End Code - perhaps this is of interest

@niels.dejong is the maintainer of NeoDash and is very responsive to feature suggestions if you want to go that route. There's going to be a fully redesigned release of NeoDash probably next month, so now's the time to get him all your suggestions!

You may want to try also. It's available in Neo4j Desktop, as a Cloud app or Server installation (free for a single user).