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11-02-2022 06:41 AM
I am trying to use apoc.cypher.parallel2 to merge some nodes and relationships in a parallel way. However i get this error
ClientError: [Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed] Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.cypher.parallel2`: Caused by: org.neo4j.graphdb.security.AuthorizationViolationException: Create node with labels 'SMNode' on database 'neo4j' is not allowed for user 'neo4j' with roles [PUBLIC, admin] overridden by READ.
I am using py2neo for this statement:
statement= """
CALL apoc.cypher.parallel2(
'UNWIND params as param
MATCH (g:GNode),(s:SNode{code:param.code})
where parameters is a list of lists of dictionaries.
Why do i get this error and is there another way to parallel create nodes(i also tried apoc.periodic.iterate with parallel=true but i got some Deadlock errors) .
Thank you!
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