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Error in gds.graph.export (java.lang.IllegalStateException)


I'm not being able to export my graph: as I try I get this error:"

Failed to invoke procedure `gds.graph.export`: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This cursor is closed
Can you help me please?

Hi, again. What version of GDS and Neo4j are you using? And how are you running/deploying Neo4j (server desktop, etc)?  

Is this related to your other thread here? If you could provide a quick code snippet/example of what you are doing to produce this error it would help.  Thank you. 

Hi Zach, Thank you for your quick feedback.

I am using Neo4j desktop and please do find a snipet and code of what I'm doing.

//1. gds project.cypher
call gds.graph.project.cypher('service_similarity_graph',
    'match (n) where n:servico_tv or n:canal return id(n) as id',
    'match (s:servico_tv)-->(p:programa)-->(c:canal) return id(s) as source, id(c) as target')
// 2. node similarity 
call gds.nodeSimilarity.mutate('service_similarity_graph',{mutateRelationshipType:'Similar',mutateProperty:'score',topK:10,similarityCutoff:0.25})
// 3 . louvain stream
call'service_similarity_graph',{relationshipTypes:['Similar'],relationshipWeightProperty:'score'}) yield nodeId,communityId
return communityId, count(nodeId) as size order by size desc
// 4. louvain mutate
call gds.louvain.mutate('service_similarity_graph',{relationshipTypes: ['Similar'],relationshipWeightProperty:'score',mutateProperty:'louvaincommunity_new'})
// 5. write mutated result back
call gds.graph.writeNodeProperties('service_similarity_graph',['louvaincommunity_new'])
// 6. export graph to data base
call gds.graph.export('service_similarity_graph',{dbName:'servicesimilarity'})
In this last stpe I get the error than I've told before.
The error in the other thread is taken care of 🙂

Thanks.  what are the version numbers for Neo4j and GDS? 

//Neo4j version
CALL dbms.components() yield versions;
//GDS version
RETURN gds.version();

//Neo4j version: ["5.2.0"]
//GDS version: "2.2.6"