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04-20-2020 01:14 AM
Good Evening,
I need understanding on Data source concept in Neo4j. lets suppose there are five application which is using same data base how we can monitor the database for all application if any of them is creating problem.
Is it possible to allocate different connection pool like relational database.
04-20-2020 08:55 PM
You can have multiple database user credentials so each application is logging into the database as itself so you can monitor which application might be causing issues. You can also query the execution logs to find poor performing queries and all the regular db monitoring that you'd want to do.
04-21-2020 12:35 AM
Good After Noon Mike,
As per your statement, we can create multiple use to achieve that functionality so can we allocate different connection pool -No of Active, Idle connection, Timeout etc, if yes then how.
For Monitoring point of view in Oracle we can schedule report to get the active/inactive connection count for each data source, can we do it in Neo4j.
04-24-2020 06:22 AM
Here's the link to the documentation to user management
Then here's the link how to setup monitoring. Personally I use the Prometheus + Grafana stack to collect and alert metics.
I also recommend using the Halin tool to help with monitoring https://neo4j.com/labs/halin/
05-06-2020 01:00 AM
Thanks Mike for the explanation that is helping me to improve knowledge on Neo DB
can we use rollback/commit to. if we want to commit or rollback to savepoint in neo4j database. if yes, then how
05-06-2020 09:32 PM
Here's the link to the documentation about transactions. The exact implementation differs if you're connecting through a driver vs. HTTP API vs. Java. Neo4j is ACID so your commands are all or nothing if something fails with the statement.
12-02-2020 07:15 AM
I'm facing issue while accessing both properties of a node.
for example: there is node so called person having name & dob
getting exception while fetching both values either i can get result.single().get(0).asString() or result.single().get(1).asString()
getting the excepton Cannot retrieve a single record, because this result is empty. if im trying to fetch both at a time. please help.
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