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Created AuraDB - but unable to connect

I have created an account for AuraDB, and the database is created. But am unable to connect. In the home page Neo4j Aura... the database is listed as running. when I launch "Open with -> Neo4j browser", and in the " Connect to Neo4j" , with username as neo4j and the password (same as what was indicated while the database creation), the error message " ServiceUnavailable: Could not perform discovery. No routing servers available. Known routing table: RoutingTable[database=default database, expirationTime=0, currentTime=1642037787031, routers=, readers=, w" keeps coming - have tried multiple times.


Hello @ramakrishnan.raman ,

I am happy to help you with this, can you send me a screen shot of the database as it appears in and I will tie that in to the system state that I am seeing my side. Please send that screen shot to

Thanks in advance.


@ramakrishnan.raman thanks for working with me on this one.

For the wider community, the database was up and running, however where a work laptop and/or VPN are in use, they can block the neo4j+s protocol running on port 7687.

If anyone else encounters this issue, when the database appears up and running in please attempt to connect via another non work non VPN'd device and validate whether you can connect there. This then usually indicates an active blocking of the protocol and/or port on the initial device.
