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01-07-2023 07:53 PM
We are a small research group of humanities scholars and use ##Neo4j for research purposes
However, We have little experience with programming and now encounter this problem:
Our problem is the interconnectivity between the Neo4j Bloom and various websites: It sounds a bit like a beginner's problem because we have little idea about the backend and front end.
Let's simplify, there is a hosted Neo4j Bloom and encyclopedia application. And a user explores the graphs in Bloom and wants to inform the biography about a certain person (node type Person).
The matter is that by clicking on the URL link (external), you go to the encyclopaedia page. So how can the same resource be linked between the Neo4j (Bloom) and other websites?
It is conceivable on my part or ours that one would first need a (R)dbms as a common data backend on which both Bloom and other applications are based. For example, For example, I can imagine that applications can retrieve the data in the backend (SQL or Neo4j) via Rest api.
So the design of a REST api is assumed for this to exchange data, but what about Neo4j Bloom to the other websites?
I hope you understand what I mean.
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