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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError

load csv with headers from  "" as row with row where row.Launched starts with '2016' MERGE (p:Project {id:row.ID}) ON CREATE SET = row.Name, p.launched = date(substring(row.Launched,0,10)) p.deadline = date(row...

Resolved! Error: database instance doesn't find user defined procedure

Hello! My user defined function isn't working. I get the following error when I test it: org.neo4j.driver.exceptions.ClientException: Failed to invoke function `org.enkelt.findSettingsOfNod`e: Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException The error occ...

Resolved! Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///rels.csv" AS rels match (from {id: rels.From}), (to {id: rels.To}) create from-[:REL {type: rels.`Relationship Type`}]->to return from, to   Invalid input 'from': expected "(", "allShortestPaths" or "shortestPath"...

Resolved! How to access node, relationship in variable

Hi there, I have member and event node. I want to find out which event is paid the most attention by count with "register" and "bookmark" relationship so that I  start from these query   Match p1=(:Member)-[r1:REGISTER]->(e1:Event) Match p2=(:Member)...

Saved Cypher Scroll Bar Missing in Bloom 2.2.2

I recently migrated to a Bloom 2.2.2 deployment on our prod web server. I make extensive use of search phrases, and in Bloom 2.2.2 the scroll bar for Saved Cypher is missing (see screenshots). I have tested this in multiple browsers. Please let me kn...

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Chemical structure from nodes

Hi all I have a graph with nodes containing chemical compound with several descriptors (structural, smiles, Inchi keys, link to structural database). I would like to have a chemical structure display with a "mouse on" on the node. Is something easily...

Cannot access bloom remotely

Dear all, We have the startup license. It works locally, but if we try to access remotely, this happens: The Neo4j Bloom Server plugin is missing. A licensed plugin is required for remote graphs. Please contact your system administrator or your Neo4j...

Neo4j Bloom assigning rules

Is there a way to set access in Bloom. Like restricting the access of what certain people can do, for instance denying the access of editing the nodes from Bloom. And if there's any Version control method, like if someone adds or edits or removes som...

cypher query

Hi, How can I get the automated cypher quarries form Neo4j Bloom using the full text search ? Thanks and Regards Rohit

Resolved! return the start node and end node of every realtions

HI all, I need to update this query so that its returns the start node and end node of  every realtionships the below is returning and also some  properties of those start and end nodes match p = (a:MatPlant)-[r*0..20]->(b:MatPlant) where b.matl_num=...

Embeddings only for selected nodes.

Let me quickly describe me graph. I have a graph that links every species by its taxon for mammals. See below small example for Hominoidea: There are five organisms (HSA, PPS, PTR, GGO, PON) at the end of this lineage. Only organisms that are at the...

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Clustering and load balancing for community Edition

Hello Reader, I want to have a three node cluster and load balancer for my product. I have found that this feature is available to Enterprise Edition. As of now we can not use the enterprise edition. Is there any work around to solve this problem. I ...

Update timestamp when Node property is modified

Hi I am new to Neo4j and would like help from wonderful community to figure out a way to update timestamp property every time other node properties are modified. This would allow me to query for nodes that have been modified after certain datetime va...

vsesham by Node
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