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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
  • 1 replies
  • 0 kudos

About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Explanation of error "Database constraints have changed (txId=xxxxx) after this transaction (txId=yyyyy) started, which is not yet supported"

The following error, via bin/neo4j-shell: Database constraints have changed (txId=84) after this transaction (txId=81) started, which is not yet supported. Please retry your transaction to ensure all constraints are executed. or as logged in log/deb...

Cross Product Cypher queries will not perform well

Just like SQL, if you do not properly connect the parts of your query, it will result in a cross (cartesian) product, which is seldom what you want. Take the following example: MATCH (p:Person), (m:Movie) RETURN p, m; In Cypher, what happens is that...

Changing your Garbage Collection Method to G1

This is already the default Garbage Collector in Neo4j 2.3+. This guide is only intended for previous versions. When to Use G1: By default, Neo4j versions 2.2 and earlier use Concurrent Mark and Sweep (CMS) for garbage collection. Customers with larg...

Post-UNION processing

Cypher currently does not allow further processing of UNION results, since RETURN is required in all queries of the union. There are a couple ways around this. Combine collections, then UNWIND back to rows and apply DISTINCT MATCH (m:Movie) WITH col...

Configuring Neo4j-Provided Cloud Instances

In Neo4j's documentation, you'll find a lot of references to configuring instances via neo4j.conf. In cloud instances, this works similarly, with a few exceptions. In cloud instances, as you start/stop VMs, instance IP addresses and other things ca...

About the Browser category

The Neo4j Browser is a developer tool to write and execute Cypher queries. It helps with profiling, testing and visualization. Neo4j Browser is a React application that uses the Neo4j Javascript driver and comes out of the box with every Neo4j instal...

About the Cluster category

Scalable and highly available Neo4j production installation run in causal clusters. Those guarantee fail-over and load balancing using smart clients. Consistency is guaranteed with the RAFT protocol and by using bookmarks and write quorums. Or just r...

About the Procedures & APOC category

You can use user-defined procedures and functions to extend Neo4j. If you run into a bug please file a GitHub issue APOC DocumentationProcedure DocumentationAPOC Video Seriespresentation from graphtour: slides | video