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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Filter on Neo4j UI

Hi, I am having a Neo4J dashboard, wherein I output nodes of a particular category eg. "Category : Study" and within Study category I have Study 1", "Study 2", and so on etc. In my Cypher query, I return the entire Study node and when it is expanded...

Data type for a single char flags

What is data type to be used for flags , which are mostly a single character. I understand using string would be costing more in terms of storage.

Sankar by Node
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Cypher custom query for people and places over time

I would like to query a dataset to reveal a variety of connections between 1000+ nodes. More specifically, I would like to isolate the literal "crossings of paths" of various people as they are posted at different locations at different times. Everyt...

How to Automate Neo4j Deploys on Microsoft Azure

Hi everybody - after some requests I put together an article with some simple shell scripts that you can use to create Neo4j deployments of enterprise, and causal cluster on Azure. If you have any questions or feedback to share, this thread is the ri...

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Can we input three points for a node network

Hi, I am seeking a query where in i can input three nodes and i can tranverse through those three nodes . Eg . department system API Request ICICI -----------------> IT --------------> ...

sucheta by Graph Buddy
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Authorization for apoc.load.jsonParams

I got the authorization working but have a question about how best to create a graph from a specific JSON. Here's a sample of the JSON: "items": { "8dec2e1cf9": { "itemType": "PROBLEM", "name": "Manual entry", }, "deec2e4682":...

Query optimalisation

There are a lot of difference option to make a query faster. But in my case sometimes is an other query faster than the other query. But i need help, what is the best way! I use Neo4j version 3.5.2. In my case i have a big note with 4 miljoen message...

Neo4j desktop on MacOS displaying garbage

I installed neo4j desktop (version 1.1.15) on my Macbook Pro OS X El Capitan. When I open the app, I see a garbled window (screenshot attached). How can I fix this? Thanks Sudipta Bhawmik

bhawmik by Node
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Resolved! I want to Update TimeStamp property in my DB node

Hi there. I'm facing a bit issue in updating timestamp while keeping previous values. Let me try to explain it by some queries that I have tried MERGE (E1:Person) SET E1.timestamp += timestamp() According to refcard aforementioned query will update v...

UNWIND vs mapParallel to run a query on a given set

Folks, I was thinking to use mapParallel instead of UNWIND to run the query on a set in parallel using the system resource. This gave me the same execution time to return the result. CALL apoc.cypher.mapParallel('Optional Match(:VideoFeed {pyid: _})...

Can't connect to Neo4j from university wifi

I got the below message, as well as "BoltConnectionError: No connection found, did you connect to Neo4j?" when trying to connect to Neo4j from the Neo4j browser. When I switch to a different Wifi, connects fine. Are there any settings I can adjust to...

Not able to delete Graph Node

I have User node. When i am executing query MATCH (u:User) return "" "" null "" "" There is null node. I am not able to delete it . Even i am trying to delete it by ID with...

Failed connection with unmanaged extension

Hello guys. I deployed Neo4j Enterprise Causal Cluster (v. 3.5.1) from the AWS Marketplace (3 CORE instanses) with my own unmanaged extension based on GraphAware Framework. The goal of this extension is received POST request with list of actions in a...

mikhail by Node Clone
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Scheduling Neo4j Backups while running in Kubernetes

I was talking to a customer about this topic earlier today and realized we hadn't written anything up on this, and thought I'd drop a short post here for folks to find as it's relevant. If you're running Neo4j on Kubernetes, either via the Google Kub...