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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Kernel Version: Dev instead of 3.5.5

We are building a decentralized application using Neo4J as the database and have an issue where our local instance on our laptops shows a kernel version in debug.log as 3.5.5 but a remote peer's kernel version shows 'dev' and we're using the same cod...

How to remove Labels without Nodes?

removed all Nodes/RelationShips with "detach delete" now Desktop keeps on showing my original Labels on Database Information, although no Nodes exist how to get rid of them other than scratching the database ? Alex ps apoc.meta.schema() shows the lab...

Resolved! Return certain properties from apoc.convert.toTree

I have a graph of Restaurants that are located in different plazas I'm using the following statement but it's returning all the properties from Plaza and Restaurant MATCH r=(p:Plaza)-[:in_plaza]->(rs:Restaurant) WITH COLLECT(r) AS rs CALL apoc.conver...

melgamal by Node Link
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Starting from a clean state in neo4j (caching)

Hello, I hope I'm in the right category. My concern is about caching and requests. I'm using neo4j Community 3.5.3 with a 4 million cells and 35 million relationships database (generated from CSV) to run shortest path algorithms (apoc astar and dijks...

Load CSV Neo4j Community Edition

Hi all, I have questions about loading csv file into remote neo4j database. I read many topics and they all suggested to put the files into sever's import folder. Is it possible to load local csv file into remote neo4j database?

MAX aggregation never quite seems to behave as I expect

If I'm ONLY looking for a max value from a single node query, then max behaves as I expect. But as soon as I want to query some relationships, max seems to do nothing, and when I attempt to apply a LIMIT or UNWIND I end up only getting a portion of ...

pdrangeid by Graph Voyager
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Difficult query not working

Right now I have a graph with ~70 M nodes of a given type and have just finished uploading ~20 M nodes of another type. These node type can be considered like so: // name is unique, index on position CREATE (:A { name: string, position: int }) // in...

massung by Node Clone
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Resolved! Question/Answer Model

Hi, I'm working out a design for questions and answers. The Questions will have a random number of possible entries. The users will each then be able to answer those questions. Eventually, I will be using the answer to provide matching between the us...

401 unauthorized when using apoc.load.xml

neo4j version 3.5.3 community editionapoc- (I also tested against the new spring release ( - same behavior)site uses basic http auth, so no headers or params are required, auth is just in the url other API calls (although using apo...

pdrangeid by Graph Voyager
  • 3 replies
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Neo4j performance good on one server, bad on another

I am having trouble with the Neo4j browser. I have 2 servers at AWS that have the same resources, but when I connect to one of them, the browser works great. On the other, the browser is terrible. Other people on my team do not have this problem I've...

Using Neo4j with geo data

I have a question about your database. You have implemented a Dijkstra-search of paths between nodes in your database. We have this problem – each edge have its restrictions for example “the edge is disabled during weekends” or “the edge is available...

Creating named indexes prior to 3.5

Hi everyone, I'm looking at creating named indexes and have run into a roadblock of sorts. We're currently on neo4j 3.4.x with plans to upgrade to 3.5.5 in the next few months. In the mean time I'd like to proceed with building out named indexes. ...