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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Standards & Best Practise

Hi There, We are planning to introduce Neo4J into our existing Data Architecture, As part of this I would like to publish some standards/guidelines, best practice for our development team. Do we have anything published from Neo4j ? or do anyone have ...

mmuthu by Node Clone
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Resolved! Failed to establish connection

When working with offline mode. I get the following error when I try to post query from the postman: neobolt.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable: Failed to establish connection to ('::1', 7687, 0, 0) (reason [Errno 61] Connection refused) However, neo4j-...

ri8ika by Graph Voyager
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Resolved! How to NOT use an index?

Hello everyone! I have been using Neo4j for a while now but just realized that I have a performance problem with the following query (simplified): MATCH (u:User)<-[:U]-(:Profits)-[:DP]->(dp:DailyProfit) WHERE ID(u)=12345 AND dp.localDate>='20190601' ...

chris3 by Graph Buddy
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Inserting a Relationship Post Database Setup

Hi I am new to Neo4j but have searched and tried to come to a resolution for a week now with no success. I have a DB with the OffShore_Leaks in it. I have imported the Nodes of Bahamas_Leaks and am trying to get the Relationships of Bahamas inserted...

Optional match - many clauses

Hi, Simple questions NEO 3.4.14 What is difference between: 1. MATCH a OPTIONAL MATCH a->b OPTIONAL MATCH b->c OPTIONAL MATCH b->d RETURN a,b,c,d MATCH a OPTIONAL MATCH a->b, b->c, b->d RETURN a,b,c,d I see difference in result in case a->d returns...

Resolved! How to call APOC functions from Java?

Hello everyone. I have a Java app working with Neo4j and APOC. I'm facing a problem calling an APOC function from java, which is apoc.text.join. When I run a Cypher query I got this error: org.neo4j.cypher.SyntaxException: Unknown function 'apoc.text...

Returning results between 2 dates

Hi, I'm new in Neo4j, and I'm working and searching to learn more about it and graph usage. I made this querry but it says that I have an error, anyone can help me so I can move on? What I want to know is what some user has bought between 2 dates (I ...

Are you an Elixir user?! If yes, would you like to push the boundaries for more advanced use-cases i.e. causal clusters, multi tenancy and more? Daring testers wanted :)

We're working on the docs and adding final touches to the Neo4j driver for Elixir: Bolt.Sips, and we need your feedback. The development of the latest version was moved to the public area (on GitHub), for offering you an early preview of what's comin...

florin by Node
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Import CSV relationship error

Hi guys, I am importing a CSV into neo4j and I am having a small issue with my Data model I have the following data model after running this cypher query Load csv with headers from 'file:///Congresional_Directory_Updated.csv' as line With line MERGE...

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skirwan by Node Link
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Resolved! Load CSV split

Hi guys, Id like to split the following csv column into 2. The split being between the first 2 charactors e.g the first one would split into LA and 05 St/Dis (Header) LA05 NC12 AL04 CA31 GA12 TX32 MI03 NV02 ND00 Kind regards, Sam

skirwan by Node Link
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Cypher Style Guide: SET

I was looking over the style guide to see if there were recommendations about spacing. I noticed in that ON CREATE SET and ON MATCH SET are indented, but no mention of just plain SET D...