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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
  • 1 replies
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Resolved! First time Cluster in AWS : Connection Refused

I'm trying to set up my first cluster in AWS. I have 3 EC2 instances. Following the manual and it appears as if the cluster is established, but when I try to cypher-shell from one of the instances I get a Connection Refused. Any tips where to go abou...

Disable the Checkpoint triggering

Hi... I am using Neo4j version 3.5.5(community edition) as main database in my project. I want to disable checkpoint triggering to my db... Can any-one help me,how to disable the checkpoint triggering in my community edition.

3v4ever by Node Link
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Histogram of all properties

What is the best way of computing histograms of all properties of all selected nodes in Neo4j? For example, assume that we have 3 nodes like this: n1 {age:10, Country=UK}n2 {age:11, Country=UK, gender: F}n3 {age:20, Country=US, gender: M} We want to ...

Visual Modelling

Hi Guys, I was wondering in EA from sparks I can visually create relations and nodes (yes stored in SQL). I quite like this way of interacting with the information as, for small things, it seems quick. Also I have seen how other tools in my industry ...

Resolved! Import from CSV: Null Error on Non Null Value

I'm new to neo4j and haven't read through all the docs but from what I've read on load csv it seems like I have formatted my csv correctly and the statement is taken directly from one of the docs. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but just too new t...


Resolved! RandomUUID - used version

Hi, I was trying to find information about version of UUID generator that is behind randomUUID() function, but I faiked. Is there any place where can I find information is that uuid v1 or uuid v4 or something different? Thanks, Witold

Error in loading the data

Hi, I am trying to load data but getting an error My query: call apoc.import.graphml("C:\Users\lajja gupta.Neo4jDesktop\neo4jDatabases\database-fe88e297-6e1c-488f-b34c-fb809228a509\installation-3.5.6",{batchSize:10000,storeNodeIds: false, readLabels:...

Adjust relation based on condition

Hello neo4j community, im new to neo4j and i struggle a lot with this query. I have 100 "seat" and 50 "day" nodes. For every day a random amount of "seat" have the relation "AVAILABILITY" to exactly 1 "day". For example day 23 has 33 "AVAILABILITY" ...

Question about import datas

Failed to write data to connection (‘localhost’, 7687) (Address(host=‘’, port=7687)); (“10038; ‘在一个非套接字上尝试了一个操作。’; None; 10038; None”) This error occurred while the program was running.I cann't understand this error.I think this should not b...


Projecting multi-partite networks

Hi, Asked this on the slack community as well. New to neo4j and cypher. Trying to run some graph queries over a bipartite network (nodes are gene, and microbe, respectively), with a relationship of associated. I want to run node centrality measures o...