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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! How to access Neo4j Ops Manager Home page?

Hi! Basically that, I have arrived to the point to register a NOM Agent for monitoring, but I'm unable to see in which port/address should Ops Manager be accessed. I have tried ports 8080 and 9090 on my Ops manager server address, unsuccessfully. I h...

Update index for full text search

Hi. I am trying to implement fuzzy search for my nodes with their properties. I use db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex() to create index and db.index.fulltext.queryNodes() to search. This works fine and I am able to do different kind of searches inclu...

Resolved! apoc.coll.runningTotal

Newb to Neo4j, I was successfully able to leverage apoc.coll.avg , apoc.coll.min & apoc.coll.Max but I'm receiving an error when trying to use apoc.coll.runningTotal WITH apoc.coll.runningTotal([1,2,3,4,5]) AS d RETURN d Unknown function 'apoc.coll...

Avi by Node Clone
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Neo4J: How can I repeat my query on all resulting nodes?

Hi erveryone, so I've started working on a project for my Bachelor Thesis and therefore I'm looking for some help. I've got the BTC Blockchain as my DB and now I want to use the Multi Input Clustering Heuristic to identify all addresses that belong t...


Neo4j Dashboard

Hi, My Neo4j Dashboard is not opening and also not showing any error. While opening it simply goes blank. Please help me out Thank you! Thanks and Regards Rohit Kumar

Protecting personal information in Neo4J Enterprise?

It's time for me to add authentication and authorization to my growing list of applications. I am so far using only Neo4J Enterprise. My understanding of current best practices is to ensure that plain-text personal information should never be "at res...

tms by Graph Buddy
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Return "result limit xxx" runs forever?!

< 1st query > match (d:Document)-[:HAS_WORD]->(w:Word) where = 1 return w.word order by w.word ==> it returns 6604 records(displaying 1000) under 1 second. < 2nd query : same with the 1st query except "limit xxx" > match (d:Document)-[:HAS_WOR...

Dongho by Node Clone
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Configure apoc.export.csv.query timeout

Hi :),Where can I find the configuration parameter for apoc.export.csv.query() timeout? We have some queries that are executed on a daily basis to load information, but we just get this error: Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.export.csv.query`: Cause...

Franbr31 by Node Link
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Cannot delete node<id>, because it still has relationships. To delete this node, you must first delete its relationships

I am creating relations between nodes n and l. Sometimes duplicate relations occur. If a relation of this type already exists, it should merge. So to be clear: only the relation should merge - not the nodes. Unfortunately I have not found something ...

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Resolved! Shortest path excluding nodes with same attribute value

Hi, I found out that I can use shortest path and avoid loops by applying apoc.coll.duplicates on path nodes list. What if I want to consider duplicates those nodes that share the same value for a given attribute (e.g. ALTER_NAME).Would be possible to...

Retrieve edge at which path matching fails

Hello, I am wondering what the best way is to retrieve the first missing edge that causes a path match to fail. For example, say I want to match instances of the path (C1:Compound)-[:Contained_in]-(:Experiment)-[:Originates_from]-(L1:Lab) starting fr...

Apoc Path Expand getting relationship properties

Hi,   I have data like the above image, here my task is when I query the Starting node (here "A1", "B1", and "C1" are the the starting nodes for 3 different paths), I need to get all the path of the nodes. Like when I query "A1" I need to get "A1", ...
