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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Query slows down?

I am running an import query using LOAD CSV using PERIODIC COMMIT on an aws using the provided AMI community version. I am trying to debug a query that has some performance issues. The query imports ov...

Resolved! Regex doesn't work correctly

I'm tring to execute this query without succes MATCH (t:Tweet) WHERE t.full_text =~ '(?i).*sciacalli.*' AND t.created_at>'2018/01/01' AND t.created_at<'2020/04/25' RETURN t The output shuld be this one "full_text": "RT @catlatorre: Sciaca...

lx2pwnd by Node Clone
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Contract paths

Hello everyone, Neo4j : 3.5.12 I'm looking to contract relationships of shortestpaths regarding some constraints. But, I can not find how to do it. I have a graph with two labels (Airport and Station) and distance as a property of my relationships. ...

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Multiple username ,passwords on startup

Hello neo4j-community, We are currently managing the neo4j cluster (Enterprise version 3.5.14) through Kubernetes. We have a situation where neo4j should be able to accept multiple usernames & passwords on startup Currently we are setting the initial...

yogana by Node
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OMITNORMS field in Lucene fulltext analyzer

Hello, I am testing a v4.0.3 database in Neo4j Desktop which contains nodes that represent products. Each node has an ID and description. I have used the fulltext indexing from Lucene on the descriptions to be able to search and return relevant produ...

andmo by Node
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Avoiding Duplicate Relationship

Hi, I am new to Neo4j. I am trying to build a basic friends graph DB. I have created node: MERGE (F1:Friend {FID:1,FName:'John'}) MERGE (F2:Friend {FID:2,FName:'Emil'}) MERGE (F3:Friend {FID:3,FName:'Alice'}) I have created relationship as below: Mat...

Why doesn't the reverse relationship query work?

I have a query: MATCH p=(prod:_product)-[r:hasBrand]->(brand {_name:'Apple'}) RETURN prod._name LIMIT 3 This gives me a list of products for the brand Apple. However, if I reverse the direction, I got empty results: MATCH p=(prod:_product)<-[r:hasBra...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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Connecting Neo4j Desktop to a Remote Server

I have a freshly installed instance of Neo4j Community Edition running on server provided by an internet hosting company. I have Neo4j Desktop running on my personal computer. I have tried to connect Neo4j Desktop to the Neo4j instance that is runnin...

Resolved! Newbie question, configuring simple network

Hello guys, I am very new to neo4j and I just started learning yesterday. I wanted to create a simple network from csv file that contains the following two columns. I simply want to create a simple network so that column A is directed to column B. L...

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Create nodes conditional properties

Hi I need help for create a nodes with conditional property. In this case i have a complex javascript array "similar" to: [ { type: 'type 1', name: 'name 1' }, { type: 'type 2', name: 'name 2' }, , { type: 'type 3', ...

Can't start Neo4j Desktop on Debian 10

I'm trying to install Neo4j Desktop on Debian 10. I have followed the instructions here: Neo4j Graph Database Platform Thanks for Downloading Neo4j Desktop - Neo4j Graph Database Platform Your download should begin autom...

[Modeling question] Graph matching algorithm used

Hi there, I got in an argument with someone that wants to add more links the the schema. His argument is that it's faster if the entity is linked directly to the entity I want to search. My argument is that it is better to have the most natural model...