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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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connecting bloom to neo4j community edition

Hello,I have installed neo4j 4.4.11 community version on a VM. I have installed the components such as Hop to create the data pipelines. They work as expected.  I need to know how to start the bloom on that machine.  The Bloom plugin(bloom-plugin-4.x...

medijv by Node
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Recommendation Engine for Job portal

We have a job platform with graph database. We have users,jobs and terms(occupations,employment type,location....etc) nodes. users and jobs are connected to term nodes. We need a matching query to recommend jobs related to users. For the first level ...

Pivin by Node
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Fix Exception at LogService.getUserLog for 5.1.0

Again I have troubles with starting Neo4J after upgrading, I can see the following Exceptions, all seem to be related to org.neo4j.logging.Log org.neo4j.logging.internal.LogService.getUserLog and I have no clue what could be wrong with it or with my ...

BairDev by Node Clone
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Improve neo4j performance

Hi Community We are trying to create 27 milion nodes with 20 properties using neo4j python library. In code we are creating a list of 1000  records and running the following query. WITH [$list] as batchUNWIND batch as individualCREATE (p:Person)SET p...

Neo4j GDS algorithms execution time

I run the Dijkstra source-target shortest path algorithm in Neo4j (community edition) for 7 different graphs. The sizes of these graphs are as follows: 6,301 nodes - 8,846 nodes - 10,876 nodes - 22,687 nodes - 26,518 nodes - 36,682 nodes - 62,586 nod...

Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.cypher.parallel2`

Hello, I am trying to use apoc.cypher.parallel2  to merge some nodes and relationships in a parallel way. However i get this error     ClientError: [Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed] Failed to invoke procedure `apoc.cypher.parallel2`: Caused by: org.neo...

Similarly between nodes using properties

Hi I have a question. I have a set of nodes (Label: A) and properties X, Y, and Z. Each of the properties have a range from 1-10. I want to be able to visualise the similarity between the nodes using these properties. What would be the best way to do...

Create millions of relationships in less time

Hi community, We are trying to import data from orientdb to neo4j by connecting using drivers in python. The database contains 27 million nodes and 25 million relationships. Due to this the cypher queries are taking extremely long to execute. Is ther...

Resolved! Kernel Extension reacting to instance role change

Hello. I'm developing a Neo4j java plugin using the ExtensionFactory. The plugin starts a background thread that listens for external events and manipulates the graph db. The plugin needs to be aware of the status of the instance it's running on, as ...

Modelling question

Hi, this is my first post, I hope I don't step onto too many toes... I am trying to import data into Neo4j. The data has, among other things,  Events, People and Notes. Notes can be attached to People and Events: (n:Note)-[:Reference]->(e:Event) Peop...

killes by Node
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