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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Neo4j Data Import Slowness

0 I have to load around 5M Records in the Neo4j DB so I broke the excel into the chunks of 100K the Data is in Tabular Format and I am using CyperShell for that but seems like it has been more than 8 hours and it's still stuck on the first chunk I'm ...


Resolved! Conditional Load csv

Hi I need to creates independent nodes from a csv file, csv is like below- First, Last, Age john, Doe, 34 null, Sam,36 My code is like this; load csv with headers from "file:///demo.csv" as line with line CASE when not line.first is null CREATE (s:i...

ams19 by Node
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Django and neo4j

hi graphers; I want to connect neo4j to my django application. is it possible ? if it is ok please tell me how can I do this?

Resolved! A glitch in the matrix?

So, i was looking for either apoc.import.csv or apoc.load.csv, so i googled it and clicked on the first link: second, the same third, the same, as you can see the tabs Same happening for you?

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Neo4j does not work with the neo4j start command

I'm new to Neo4j and I'm trying to install and launch neo4j-community edition on an instance of EC2 (Ubuntu) on AWS. I have followed some tutorials but I am confused as should be the configuration of the file neo4j.conf to expose with the IP of the E...

New PWD Is Not Working in Neo4 Desktop 4.1.0

Hello folks. This is another chapter of my learning path for Neo4j. My goal here is to complete the Twitch series for Building Web Applications with Neo4j and TypeScript In the past 2 days, I was struggling with the loading process of the Movies data...


Resolved! Load CSV Issue in Neo4j Desktp

Hello guys, Today I am loading a sample database from Kaggle. My intention is to follow the twitch series "Building Web Applications with Neo4j and Typescript" (@adam.cowley). So, I forked the project from Github, downloaded data from Kaggle, install...

Resolved! Data type of a property

In Cypher how can I check the data type of a property? Once a property is used for one data type, are all properties for that node label that same property? I'm assuming no. So if I have a node label :testnode and I have a property of mystery. I coul...

Resolved! Searching for Duplicates with CYPER match on properties

I am new to Cypher and work for a non-profit looking into financial crime. Most of our graph contains persons and entities and I want to check for duplicates. I tried the following simple query, but it returned everything MATCH (a), (b) WHERE ...

mkretsch by Node Clone
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Repeating Pattern With Terminating Condition

The Graph: Facts: A cyclist starts at the far left of the image above. They read the plan to know where to go. A plan is composed of legs. Legs are composed of landmarks. A cyclist completes a leg by traveling from the beginning landmark to the endi...


Creating paths based on common properties

Pretty new to this. Would love to get help on what to use for this. I have data with user IDs and a bunch of actions, ranked by some chronological order (integer from 1 to some number). Each action has properties like the name of it. I've created a r...

nadavbe by Node Clone
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Resolved! How to create node representing each unique community?

I'm trying to create nodes representing each unique community, and create an edge between each particular node that belongs in community and the community node (basically, create a new Community node for each community ID found, and then add a MEM...

Deep Install Links not working

Hi all, deep install links in the form neo4j-desktop://graphapps/install?url=... do not seem to work in Desktop 1.3.4. The Install buttons on do nothing, neither in the browser nor when I open the Graph App Gallery in Des...