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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Integer sequence generator in Neo4J/APOC?

Our current system uses an oracle sequence and grabs a value to populate into some of our Neo4J graph nodes. I'm at a point where I may be able to refactor some of the inner-workings of some of this code, but I still may have to retain the integer se...

Resolved! Getting a syntax error I don't understand

I'm using the latest versions of neo4j desktop and database. I'm doing some development locally and using this query: match (w:Well) where w.operator is not null with w.operator as well_o merge (o:Operator {name: well_o}) set (o)-[:OPERATES]->(w) ret...

Importing Data using ETL tool

Hi, I am trying to export data from MS SQL. And I am getting an error while establishing the connection- Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.etl.rdbms.Support I am not sure what the error refers to?

akaur by Node Link
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"Notification Center Updates" doesn't show Neo4J Upgrades

I noticed when I got to Notification Center (bell icon) in Desktop 1.3.11, it showed "No updates available." But when I click on the three dots -> Mange -> Upgrade, it showed me that 4.2.1 was available. I'm not clear on what updates is for (vs. Upgr...

clem by Graph Steward
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Using variables in function

Hi, I am trying to use "" function, and I am probably doing something wrong. Basically, We are trying to copy labels from one node to a group of nodes that meet a certain condition. I want to run the SET command only if I found missing l...

dan3 by Node Link
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'neo4j'

Hi Team, I am trying access neo4j db through Jupyter notebook. But i am getting a below error when i try to access using python. import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1) import math from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase driver = Gra...

How to create nodes in nested array of JSON

Hi, I am new to Neo4j , I want to import json file of particular cities into neo4j, but it has lots and lots of nested array , I dont know how to access the inner value of field, and searched many things, yet not get any answer, neo4j version,: 3.5.1...


Missing "Create new DBMS from dump" - Yelp dataset

So I saw a new YouTube video on the Neo4j channel that talks about loading the Yelp dataset. It can be seen here: Basically, you can download the .dump file. Drag it into the File(s) area, click the 3 dots and you are supposed to get a ...

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Reload and replace database online

We plan to use Neo to build a knowledge graph out of configuration data that exists in multiple siloed applications. We've demonstrated that we can import data from each of the systems and automatically create relationships between entities from diff...

Neo4j container in ECS

Hi All, I'm trying to deploy neo4j 3.5.0 container as part of ECS cluster. I could register Neo4j browser url, that is on port 7474 on target groups. But found out that neo4j server through bolt protocol cannot be routed in AWS ELB. As it supports on...

Expanding Deep links by default

Submitting a deep link query to Bloom, is there a way to have the found node(s) appear totally expanded without user interaction (i.e. user does not have to hit return to see the resulting graph)?

peterk by Node
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How to display the neo4jData instead of the neo4jDataUrl

Hi everyone! I am working how to display the graph. I use d3.js from to display the graph. It is currently taking the data from a json file. But i want display data after search from ne04j database. Below is my cod...

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rosdiana by Node Clone
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