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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Popularizing Neo4j

Neo4j lacks one seemingly simple tool in order to popularize the database. As craft databases are inherently easy to understand, create, and interpret in graphical form, Neo4j desperately needs a front end that can create semantic network graphs. The...

Resolved! Managing Table Data

We have a several tables that have static data used as a reference. Its nothing complicated. To start, I went ahead and turned these into nodes Set row = 1, Set col = A, set value = 6.7 Set row = 1, Set col = B, set value = 8.2 Set row = 2, Set col ...


Resolved! Neo4J Desktop App - GDS Playground with remote graph

Hello All, I have a remote graph on neo4j 4.1.3. bolt+s (7687) is the only open port. I have GDS working via Neo4j Desktop's browser. I want to try out Graph Data Science Playground to speed up using GDS Algorithms. However, I am unable to connect to...

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uday by Node Link
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Resolved! Import a list of properties from a csv file

I want to add a list property on a node, with the list formatted conditionally on whether a text value exists in the cell. You can find the csv that I am using here: I import it with this code: // Loa...

shanna by Node Clone
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Resolved! Not show the graph node using json

Hi I have a problem with the graph node. currently i am using eisman project to show the graph, But the graph doesn't appear in web browser. Below is my JSON and i already follow the format according to eisman proje...

rosdiana by Node Clone
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Relating nodes between 2 independent databases

Good morning, We are using a neo4j database for tracking samples we process in our labs. We now plan a cooperation with another lab which uses their own neo4j database. Is there a way I can establish relationships between nodes in "our" database and ...

Right use of distinct with subquery

HI I use the follwowing query MATCH ((node_left: org)-[relationship_leftnode_currentstatus: current_status]->(node_currentstatus)), ((node_left)-[relationship_leftnode_hasmail: has_mail]->(node_mail)) CALL { WITH node_left MATCH ((node_left)-...

rob2 by Node Clone
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Resolved! Neo4j Dekstop Cannot Start the Application

I have a problem when I want to open the neo4j desktop application, that is, the application won't open. when clicked, it only pops out for a while, appears "Getting Ready" and then force close. What is wrong..? Thank you